FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 271

Now the news, what if the euro goes up?
Bollocks, that'll give the teacher two more danglers, that's all.
It's bullshit, it'll give the teacher two more danglers, that's all.
I know, it's a thing of the past
Now the news, what if the euro goes up?
I'll close above 26.
above 26 I'll close.
I'd rather have a cut on insta.

The pound is going well against the audi to the baseline:

More precisely a weak audi pushes the pound, but the pound itself is almost nothing..... eh, good news on the pound!

I'd rather have the yen cut on insta.

So they're trending upwards)

Quinto, do you have a branch? I mean, what's your basis for trading?

better to cut the yen on insta.
one open the other close the other (fuck you)
above 26 I will close

there's a possibility of selling from two lines

Open to one and close to the other (fuck you)
Fuck them all, as the professor advised, they are jealous)))

there are possible sales from two lines

she won't go there - don't bother ))))