FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 101

Run for beer! Let's get Stranger drunk!
I don't get it. He's a good trader, isn't he? He seems to have made a lot of money today. He even made some money in the process...
I don't get it, why get him drunk. Isn't he a good trader? He seems to have made a shitload today. He even managed to slip someone some money in the process...
Then he's a dick, not a beer!
why on earth would SL for TP - he won't put up a platform there.
The picture is written verbatim!
The picture is written verbatim!
oh yeah ((((, so two targets 1 - in 2 - out
Картина писана со слов дословно!

oh yeah ((((, so two targets 1 - in 2 - out

What are you doing here? Work, work!

You took a quid and then what?



What are you doing here? Work, work!

You took a quid and then what?

Drink beer.
Rupiah monster - morning 45.7, evening 47.1 .......... )))))
Drinking beer.
That's it, I'm ready now. ))))

Wake up the medium term


Wake up the medium term

There's still 1.21. The bottom is not as drawn... we could have jumped into 2000... no one woke up