FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 763


There is no need to raise anything, prices rise on their own as buyers choose liquidity at low prices and liquidity remains on the market at high prices.

There is no option to have enough for everyone if there are fewer goods than buyers. If there are more goods than buyers, it is impossible to keep the price high (if there is no collusion) and it moves towards the level of profitability.

But this reasoning is adequate only in case of potatoes, which are bought for consumption.

Forex is 90% speculative market, and every buyer sometime becomes a seller. Hence, the pending sales (or open interest).

If there is 70% open interest in buying, it means that they are potentially somewhere to be hidden, those potential sales.

I'm a seller. I sell potatoes.

I buy the sold ones from a wholesaler. Who raises the prices? Me? The wholesaler?
Or should I raise prices so that all the potatoes aren't sold out before spring?

To save some more for myself.

:) and futures is not a market at all, it's a betting on contracts, the key word here is betting - an argument between two people about the outcome of an event.
И? Any other differences? If you can't find them, this is for you to think about overnight)))

I am a salesman. I sell potatoes.

I buy the sold ones from a wholesaler. Who raises the prices? Me? The wholesaler?
Or should I raise prices so that all the potatoes aren't sold out before spring?

To save some more for myself.

The only way to raise prices is to increase demand.
Futures isn't a market, it's a betting on contracts, the key word is betting - two people argue about the outcome of an event.

that is, if I have

let's say 1000 UAH. and I'm going to go to Ukraine on New Year's Eve from the Crimea.

But it will be only under the new year. I don't know what will happen on New Year's Eve. And I don't know how much this 1000 UAH will cost by the New Year. What should I do?

Maybe diversify that 1,000?

Maybe put it in the contract?

and, say, close it by the new year... this way i will save my 1000 in the equivalent of that day and those goods that will be in the country at that time...

to put it crudely...

Only an increase in demand can raise prices.

and increased demand is what is happening to the ruble dollar?

People are scared, they start buying currency.



I am a salesman. Selling potatoes.

I buy the sold ones from a wholesaler. Who raises the prices? Me? The wholesaler?
Or should I raise prices so that all the potatoes aren't sold out before spring?

To save some more for myself.

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Биржевой стакан и принципы исполнения ордеров
Биржевой стакан и принципы исполнения ордеров
В этом видеоуроке мы рассмотрим очень важную тему, для всех тех, кто решил освоить торговлю на фондовом рынке. Речь пойдёт о биржевом стакане и принципах исп...

and increased demand is what is happening to the ruble dollar?

People are scared, they start buying currency.


Well, yes, super demand for the dollar and over-supply of the ruble)
We have already forgotten all this)

that is, if I have

let's say 1000 UAH. and I'm going to go to Ukraine on New Year's Eve from the Crimea.

But it will be only under the new year. I don't know what will happen on New Year's Eve. And I don't know how much this 1000 UAH will cost by the New Year. What should I do?

Should I diversify that 1,000?

Maybe put it in the contract?

and let's say close it by the new year... this way i will save my 1000 in the equivalent of that day and those goods that will be in the country at that time...

to put it crudely.

Buy an option, why would you buy a futures? (An option is insurance against exchange rate changes, you pay for the insurance and, if the rate changes to your disadvantage, you have the right to buy at the price specified in the option.)

Futures are used as an orientation tool (for industry, for example) for determining how much money to allow for in economic calculations. It is not certain that they will be so, but the probability is high. In the absence of reliance on accurate forecasts it is something, anything is better than taking numbers from the ceiling. The funny thing about futures is that it's a vote of experts. And the most honest vote is when the expert is willing to bet money on his opinion. If a person gives you advice but is not willing to bet money on it, you can throw that advice in the trash.


Buy an option, why would you need a futures contract (an option is insurance against exchange rate changes, you pay the insurance and if the exchange rate changes to your disadvantage, you have the right to buy at the price specified in the option).

Futures are used as an orientation tool (for industry, for example) for determining how much money to allow for in economic calculations. It is not certain that they will be so, but the probability is high. In the absence of reliance on accurate forecasts it is anything but, all the better than taking numbers from the ceiling. The funny thing about futures is that it's a vote of experts. And the most honest vote is when the expert is willing to bet money on his opinion. If a person gives you advice but is not willing to bet money on it, you can throw that advice in the trash.

I've been putting dough in reel time here for a fortnight, so...