FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 683


........Yes, Sasha and not only Russia....... the post-war development in general turned out to be interesting - it pushed civilization technically, but in humanitarian terms it threw it back - for this reason you know how to press the keys, but do not know that nouns are spelled with a capital letter.

And there are still countries-tools in the world, which are like sledgehammers hitting the doors of relatives and neighbours.

I don't care if it's capital or small.
Имена собственные.
Имена собственные.
Имена собственные.

........Yes, Sasha and not only Russia....... the post-war development in general turned out to be interesting - it pushed civilization technically, but in humanitarian terms it threw it back - for this reason you know how to press the keys, but do not know that nouns are spelled with a capital letter.

And then there's the country-tools that you use to bang on the doors of your relatives and neighbours like a sledgehammer.

I don't care if it's capital or small

I just said a few words and you give me a capital or a small one. Maybe you will tell me where to put the comma or teach me how to write it intelligently.

And how nice it would be if everyone on this forum started their sentences with a capital letter and put a full stop at the end of it. After all, we're not lumps of shapeless clay, we're human beings.
This is bullshit. What do you mean, clay?
what about the afftor's sTiLe? )))))))
What are you talking about?
Shh, everyone's asleep, come back tomorrow...
Shh, they're all asleep, come tomorrow

Shh, they're all asleep, come back tomorrow...

Don't you have nothing else to talk about but who wrote what and with what letter? This is a thread about forex, you Russian language wizards, read as you write!

Shh, everyone's asleep, come back tomorrow...
did you run away? :-)))
Don't you have anything else to talk about but who wrote what and with what letter? This is a thread about Forex, you Russian language wizards, read as you write!
You have nothing else to talk about but who spelled what in this thread about Forex.
Show me your levels))).
You have nothing else to talk about but who wrote what and with what letter, the thread is about forex, you Russian language smart guys gathered here, read as you write it that way.
The thing is that we all know each other for a long time, with some kind of trading, well, sometimes argue about a couple of pips, so there's nothing much to talk about, for the market))))