FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 523


No. There is an immediate FACT that it has come to pass and must be taken. A prediction is a suggestion of what may happen in the future, but a statement of what has already happened cannot be a prediction.

You could put it this way. 99%)

Yes, I didn't put it right a bit.

It's like this: A fact/signal emerged, on the basis of which a prediction was made that there would be an increase. ))

You can say whatever you like, but there's no need to deny the fact that you're making a threat, even if unwittingly.

Yes, I misspoke a bit.

It goes like this: A fact emerged, on the basis of which a prediction was made that there would be an increase. ))

There was a fact that I should BUY at 5550, there might not have been an increase, there might have been a moose, so there was no prediction at all.
Of course you can speak as you please, but you should not deny the very fact that you are making a threat, even if unwittingly.
The teacher and the professor are unwittingly proznosiruyut, normal people trade only the facts) On the dokuda. I saw that the sales have pressed from 5630, there and covered half. AFTER SEEING THE SALES. As they did not impress me, I covered only half, the rest is in boo.
There was a fact that I should BUY at 5550, there might not have been an upside, there might have been a moose, so there was no forecast.
The decision to "BUY" can only be made on the basis of a prediction that an upward move is more likely.
The fact came out that BUY ON 5550, there might not have been any rise there, there might have been a moose, so there was no forecast.
the forecast is the target, there is no target.
You can only make a "DO BUY" decision on the basis of a prediction that an upward movement is more likely.
Yes, you walk around town, you see a cigarette kiosk with normal prices, oh, you have to buy cigarettes. Is that a prediction too?
There was a fact that I should BUY on 5550, there might not have been any rise there, there might have been a moose, so there were no pronouncements.

And how was the fact taken as a signal into your luggage?

Not on the basis of some statistics collected before in the course of trading activities, when the number of positive outcomes prevails? )))


And how was the fact taken as a signal into your luggage?

Not on the basis of some statistics gathered before in the course of your trading activities, when the number of positive outcomes prevails? )))

No. Saw some buying on the Friday before the close and bought today. Here I am now seeing sales coming from 5628, how can I predict where the price will go? I don't know and nobody knows)
No. Saw the buying on the Friday before the close and bought today.
So the number of positive outcomes based on the facts in question is greater than the negative ones in the end? ))