FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 291

that's a question for the service desk, I think.
I'll ask it today, just in case...........
Possibly....... on the dollar neither today nor tomorrow see any important........ on the eu has from the Germans,Draghi will be cheerful.........

news - some good news and some good news:

on the bx-ruble exchange rate (for traders) - the banks have agreed on one price (settled). it looks like a possible upward move.

Kiwi with a henna pulled out a snare. Did you close yours or are you tolerating it? I wouldn't close mine.

What's to tolerate, another sellimit at 93.20, sl 93.77

Yep, opened page 4 of the Primer yesterday and they wrote such crap there, again about tops and bottoms, nothing new. They say: "If the price has tested low and has not updated low, it will test the top". Oh, just like that, I don't believe it, Guru is selling....

Why wait, another selimit at 93.20, sl 93.77

Yep, opened page 4 of the Primer yesterday and they wrote such crap there, again about tops and bottoms, nothing new. They say: "If the price has tested low and has not updated low, it will test the top". Oh, just like that, I don't believe it, Guru is selling....

there are different ways to do this.

the eurik on a quid holiday usually tests the flat.

I'm gonnaclose the terminal on the stick today.


there are different ways to do this

the eurik tests a flat on holidays usually

I'm quoting "The ABC of Young Traders", it says it all, it's a serious book!
I'm quoting "The ABCs of Young Traders", it says nothing but this, it's a serious book!

It's a dry Thanksgiving (USD) day, but I don't want to mess up my brain and spoil my literal thoughts anyway.

I don't want to trade expensive.

I have a dry Thanksgiving (USD) holiday today, but I still don't want to mess up my brain and spoil my literal thoughts.
Well, what does he have to say about that shit?