FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 111


2_new-rena in particular - summer, ah-leto - summer star be with me...

I'll get the link right here.

Прогноз курса доллара и евро на декабрь 2014 года
Курс в начале месяца 48,27. Курс на конец месяца 50,71. Максимальный курс на месяц 53,1, минимальный 43,44. Прогноз среднего курса доллара на Декабрь 2014 года 49,49. Курс в начале месяца 58,97. Курс на конец месяца 60,31. Максимальный курс на...
There are no random prices, the price is always filled with meaning. Most do not see this as they open 25 instruments at a time!

I agree.

...........If you put on your glasses and look closely, you can see that the reversal pattern ..... is nothing but the intention to correct......... and if you open the news, it becomes clear why - the news background on the dollar is "no-go" ...........fu, what about your eurodollar.......... but this once again confirms the impending decline of the dollar and the reversal intentions of crosses with the dollar.

Try the ruble. In the morning, you find out the exchange rate in the bank and the road to forex on the baksoorub pair is open. I.e. price levels.
Previously, I tried to forecast exchange rates by the banks of these currencies. And came to the conclusion that the price originates in forex.
Звездное Лето — Алла Пугачева — слушать бесплатно, текст песни — MOSKVA.FM
Звездное Лето — Алла Пугачева — слушать бесплатно, текст песни — MOSKVA.FM
Музыка Аллы Пугачёвой Слова Ильи Резника Вся земля теплом согрета, И по ней я бегу босиком. Я пою, и звезды лета Светят мне даже днем, даже днем. Я так хочу, чтобы лето не кончалось, Чтоб оно за мною мчалось, за мною вслед. Я так хочу, чтобы маленьким и взрослым Удивительные звезды дарили свет. Лето, ах, лето! Лето звездное...
Try the ruble. In the morning, you find out the exchange rate in the bank and the road to forex for the bx-ruble pair is open. That is, the price levels.
Rena, I don't know if this is a lafa for the trader, but the ruble is clearly being manipulated.....................

2_new-rena in particular - summer, ah-leto - summer star be with me...

I'll get the link right here.

♪ dance-a-la-la-la-la-la-la ♪ !!!!!!!!! ah-la-la-lay-)))) !!!!

Gut )))

Rena, I don't know if it's a lafa for a trader, but the ruble is clearly being manipulated.....................
The more you stay here, the more you'll become convinced of that.

I withdraw from everywhere and jerk USDRUR - up! as in summer, so that the exchange rate - of this pair - will CONTINUE!


Unusual "promising..." screen you have......I'm a little sick on the chart.....Could you give me an indicator, and before that tell me how you use this indicator to enter the trend correctly. Thank you.

It's not a turkey, by hand. For someone, it's just hanging around, but in fact, I'm adding lines.

Intraday and trend are not quite compatible.

Angle shows support/resistance. From hi downwards - resistance, if the price is above it, support - if under it, for the falling price; from lo downwards - vice versa.

Well, the whole picture is upside down, if the corners are upwards.

The proportions will show themselves.


tAncuEm !!!!!!!!! Ay-la-la-lay)))) !!!!

Gut )))

3 days - withdrawal + plant - start in a week.