FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 60


I look at the screenshots and everyone has the same levels, just differently drawn. And I want these beautiful squares too, I love all the colourful things))))

I look at the screenshots and everyone has the same levels, just differently drawn. And here are these beautiful squares too I want, I love all the colorful))))
Draw ))))) I do it myself ))))

You've got to be jerking off on everything)))))))

Mentioning mm, % risk and other things is bad form here)

if speculator knew the theoretician, maybe he would have lived on the fore. oh, understudied geniuses, underfucking faggots.....
Draw it ))))) I do it myself ))))

You've got to be kidding me, drawing this with your hands))))


You've got to be kidding me, drawing this with your hands))))

As long as you're not sour and your hands aren't shaking )))
Dimm, good to see you. we won't get more than 5 bucks on gold now, will we hang around for a couple of weeks on the current levels?
As long as you're not sour and your hands aren't shaking ))))
See the paintings the teacher produces, abstractionist, fuck)
You've seen the paintings the teacher produces, abstractionist, shit.)
No, I haven't, but I'm nowhere near him anyway.)
Dimm, good to see you. We're not going to raise more than 5 bucks on gold now, are we?
I'm not looking at the metal yet, I just started to get into the theme, but I haven't got to it.


Sash, let's have a seminar for neophytes on DON'T TROSS.