Hosting webinars at - page 4


well, you're the one "knowingly" ranting about teaching effectiveness -- but confusing "graduation rates" with "teaching effectiveness".

the reality is -- that the learning efficiency of any course (that's not a painted 4 and 5, but a real 4 and 5) -- is at the level of a couple or three percent.

And where do you get your "knowledge of the matter"? And tell us the source of the figures, please.
$25,000, otherwise there is no point to me. But there are people out there who are much cheaper.

Norm. If I were the developers, I'd allocate at least $100,000 for the author to write a proper book.

I think that MQL4 book has made a huge contribution in attracting a large number of non-programmers users. They are complaining about the complexity of MQL5 and don't want to use it because of OOP, even though there is nothing too complicated in it. If I had had a good book to teach me from scratch, I wouldn't have any questions.


Well, you are the one who is "knowledgeable" about teaching effectiveness -- but you confuse "graduation rates" with "teaching effectiveness".

you seem to have never seen the grading criteria in your eyes -- so familiarize yourself(

-- since we're talking about programming -- let's take the "assessment of written exams" section.

A grade of "A" is given if the student
-- has completed the work in its entirety, without errors or mistakes;

A grade of "4" is given if the student:
-- performed the work completely, but did not make more than one minor error and one deficiency or three deficiencies.

A grade of "3" is awarded if the student: -- did at least half of the work correctly:
-- did at least half of the work correctly or made no more than two major mistakes;

A grade of "2" is awarded if the student: -- made a number of mistakes or made two major mistakes:
-- has made more errors and mistakes than the standard grade of "3"; or has done less than half of the work correctly.

the reality is -- any course's learning efficiency (that's not a 4 or 5, but a real 4 or 5) is at the level of a couple of percent.

Are you a school teacher or something? If so, my deepest sympathies.

I don't give a damn about grades and the effectiveness of teaching in a regular school.) I have a very low opinion of it myself. I speak for myself and I have given my criteria for successful learning.

And a bit of humour. Let's say that I teach people to swim.
My exit grade criterion is 90% swam to the other shore, 10% drowned. That's it, the intermediate stages are for the cheesy school.


Are you a schoolteacher or something? If so, my heart goes out to you.

I don't give a damn about grades and the effectiveness of teaching in a regular school.) I have a very low opinion of it myself. I speak for myself and I have given my own criteria for successful learning.

And a little bit of humour. Let's say I teach people to swim.
My yardstick is that 90% swim to the other side, 10% drown. That's it, the intermediate stages are for the cheesy school.

I had nothing to do with school teaching and I have nothing to do with it.

I gave you my criteria for evaluation so that you could understand what is meant by "educational effectiveness" -- if you touch on that notion -- and how much the reality differs from the illusion you have painted for yourself.


I have nothing to do with school teaching.

I gave you the evaluation criteria so that you could understand what is meant by "teaching effectiveness" -- if you have touched on it -- and how much the reality differs from the illusion you have painted for yourself.

That's not what this thread is about,
This is not what this topic is about,

the key word is "sort of" -- read the original post by the topicstarter:



Why did I bring it up?


2. I myself have conducted many training courses in programming in the form of webinars and I can say that the effectiveness is very high. For example, about 90% of my students mastered MQL4 in 1-3 months and almost all of them
Almost all of them came with zero knowledge. And this is not because I'm such a good teacher.


Hello, colleagues!

A suggestion has arisen for the development of this site. Namely, to add a service for training webinars...

There is another option. Don't ask anyone else and make a "base" thread for free. This will help "pros" to assess the level of your professionalism, and for beginners - the comprehensibility of the material presented. Yourself in a profile to write that if you rate the course as necessary, here's an additional fee - an expanded portion (unless, of course, the rules do not prohibit such advertising).

And all the "newbies" link to a specific lesson, if there are similar questions in the branches.

For an additional confirmation of your competence, you lay out a successful trading signal for at least a couple of months (at the same time and you money, if the signal will be paid, for those same beginners, who for themselves realize that he can not, but wants to earn).

And when, as time passes, you will establish yourself as a teacher on this forum, there will be a lot of positive feedback on the free/paid part, then, I think, you can talk to MQ about creating a branch in the marketplace, cooperation, etc.


For additional confirmation of your competence, you put the signal of successful trading for at least a couple of months (at the same time, if the signal will be paid, for the same beginners, who will understand that they cannot do it themselves, but want to make money).

Why, when teaching programming, should you post the signal of successful trading?
Why put up a successful trading signal when teaching programming?
For additional confirmation of competence)). I.e. the author, in addition to being proficient in programming, also successfully applies it (the signal must be automatic, without any interference). Plus, again, for additional income for the author himself. The signal must be in a real account, which would also indicate that the author knows all the nuances of live trading, and not just "writing for the tester". All to confirm the qualifications and increase the "level of confidence" in the author. Again, not necessary, but desirable.
I'll need a scan of the psychiatric certificate that he didn't close...