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Norm. If I were the developers, I'd set aside at least $100,000 for the author to write a proper book.

I think that MQL4 book has made a huge contribution in attracting a large number of non-programmers users. They are complaining about the complexity of MQL5 and don't want to use it because of OOP, though there is nothing too complicated in it. If only you had a good book for "greenhouse" learning, you wouldn't raise any doubts.

In general, from personal experience, it is much easier to create a video course than write a book. Now I have viewed my old MQL4 course, before the 600th version, without OOP and new features. It is 25 tutorials, each tutorial, if you are busy with it, can be recorded in 1 day. That is, one month without OOP. Plus one more month in reserve for OOP with examples.

Alexey, a very worthy and interesting idea! I wish to make it a reality!
Thank you! I see you write articles here too)) By the way, join in, you're a master at teaching programming. Renat allowed in this thread to advertise both free and paid courses, as an experiment.

Yes, indeed, it's time to call it a day. You seem to be from Russia. Read the Federal Law on Advertising and the comments. The piece is from there:

And you're still claiming something?

I was beginning to doubt that you are from Russia, and you are confusing simple things:

Competitive advantage and competition + advertising are different things.

Competitive advantage can be enjoyed by 1 out of 10 applicants, while all of them can advertise and compete with all the other 9 applicants.


I was beginning to doubt that you are from Russia, and you are confusing simple things:

Competitive advantage and competition + advertising are different things.

Competitive advantage can be enjoyed by 1 out of 10 applicants, while all of them can advertise and compete with all the other 9 applicants.

So you are saying that advertising does not provide a competitive advantage in any way?
So you are saying that advertising does not provide a competitive advantage in any way?
Competitive advantage is a fact: when comparing the two options. Anyone can advertise, and no one really cares whether the advertisement is right or fake.

Looked at the profile and saw that there isn't ANY code posted in the kodobase. And that's after all these years of teaching others. That's sad.

In your words you are a guru, but I'd like to see it in practice.

Did I call myself a guru??? Give me a link. A programmer must be specific))

I've been grazing elsewhere, _http://forum. roboforex. ru/showthread.php?t=2271

I don't want to post the code.

Competitive advantage - it is a fact: when comparing two options. And anyone can advertise, with the right advertising or adulteration - no one really cares.

You haven't answered my question! Here is your original post:

Competitive advantage has nothing to do with advertising

Competitive advantage is a fact. I agree. But competitive advantage can be achieved through advertising. And that contradicts your assertion. I even gave you a link to the law. Where did your information come from? What makes you think

anyone can advertise, and no one really cares whether it's right or fake.

And on what laws? And on what controlling bodies?

Provide at least one link to confirm your words. Stop being unsubstantiated.


Give at least one link to back up what you are saying. Stop being unsubstantiated.

No, well, you're really not from Russia. I would cite a sea of advertising on DCs - "VERY GOOD!", but such advertising is forbidden here.
No, well, you really aren't from Russia. I would cite a sea of advertising on DCs - "VERY GOOD!", but this advertising is forbidden here.
Yes, very constructive... You do not answer questions, you do not give proof of your words. I think we should end our discussion.
I'll need a scan of the certificate from the psychiatric clinic that I didn't close...
)) And a stool test for helminth eggs...