Quoting statements, ideas and thoughts from famous people about trading, investing and success - page 7


Ostap Bender's previously unpublished reflections on happiness

Happiness," he reasoned, "always comes at the last minute. If you have to catch tram No. 4 at Smolenskiy Market and in addition to No. 4 there pass also No. 5, No. 17, No. 15, No. 30, No. 31, No. B, No. G and two bus lines, youthen you're sure to get a D, then two fifteenths in a row, which is unnatural, then a seventeenth, a thirtieth, lots of Bs, a D again, a thirty-first, a fifth, a seventeenth again and a B again.

And then, when you begin to think that the fourth number no longer exists in nature, it slowly comes from the side of the Bryansk station, lined with people. But sneaking into the car is not at all difficult for a skillful tram passenger. All you need is for the tram to arrive. If you have to get into Number 15, just rest assured: all the other numbers will pass first, cursed Number 4 will pass eight times, and Number 15, which used to pass every five minutes, will come along no more than once a day. All you need is patience and you will wait.

Source:http://www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-pisateli/ranee-neopublikovannye-razmyshleniya-ostapa-bendera-o-schaste-1042810/ © AdMe.ru
Ранее неопубликованные размышления Остапа Бендера о счастье
Ранее неопубликованные размышления Остапа Бендера о счастье
  • www.adme.ru
«Счастье, — рассуждал он, — всегда приходит в последнюю минуту. Если вам у Смоленского рынка нужно сесть в трамвай номер 4, а там кроме четвертого проходят еще пятый, семнадцатый, пятнадцатый, тридцатый, тридцать первый, Б, Г и две автобусных линии, то уж будьте уверены, что сначала пройдет Г, потом два пятнадцатых подряд, что вообще...
I would like to look at someone who can make money in the markets all the time, avoiding losing trades. Like all people, I have periods of trading ups and downs. Richard Wyckoff
"When a ship starts to sink, don't pray - jump out." Axioms of a stock speculator, Max Gunter

To defuse

"Price charts are great for predicting the past"Peter Lynch