Quoting statements, ideas and thoughts from famous people about trading, investing and success - page 8


You have to learn the rules of the game.

Then you have to play better than everyone else.

Learn the rules and play better than anyone else.

It's as simple as genius. Albert Einstein.

Alexander Antoshkin:

Words of gold!

I was just today figuring out how much a person spends on work for themselves - it comes out to two hours and that's without a break from the main job....


I like the phrase I try to stick to in life, if the person and the facts are not proof, then I remember it and end the conversation:

"Never argue with idiots. You will sink to their level where they will crush you with their experience." © Mark Twain

Well here's one from our forum, also sometimes amusing:

"I think of the profits first and then measure the losses, otherwise what's the point?" © _new-rena

If the foolish delight in his own intelligence, the wise note and appreciate the intelligence in others. (c) Tagui Semirjian
Praise to the madmen. Rebels. The troublemakers. Losers. Those who are always out of time and out of place. Those who see the world differently. They don't follow the rules. They laugh at the rules. They can be quoted, argued with, praised or cursed. But it is impossible to ignore them. For they bring about change. They move humanity forward. And if someone says: madmen, we say: geniuses. Because only people crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who change it. Steve Jobs

Instead of wiping the tears from your face, wipe the people who made you cry from your life. Wash the knife afterwards too.


"People who can't get their own life in order often become critics. People who can't follow the path of life tend to stand on the sidelines and throw stones at others. This is a very painful state of mind. When the urge to judge someone arises in your mind, know that you too are sick with the same ailment. A healthy person never condemns anyone. A healthy person will feel pity for the one who is judging. Pity is worthy not only for someone who is physically ill, but also for someone who is mentally ill."



Found in my stash, I will highlight what I use myself

1. Life and business consist of a lot of boring, tedious and trivial things that, once done, you suddenly get the very thing you're not ashamed to give an interview about.
2. people are different, but want basically the same things. Old Maslow was right.
3. Real values are much harder to create than their visibility. For the second you only need a good PR person and a lot of imagination. With the former it's usually harder - there's numbers involved.
4. People are lazy. They don't want to think, check and prepare. Not doing enough, losing a lot because of it and doing it right is more habitual than doing it right from the start.
5. 99% of people are incapable of doing anything. Out of the remaining 99 per cent, 99 per cent do not do what you are interested in. With the remainder, you can, with the coincidence of many random factors, do a great job.
6. The best way to take control of your life is to constantly ask yourself the question "Why do I want it?" It's very painful and scary at first, and then order and clarity come.
7. Happiness is not joy. Happiness is the absence of unhappiness.
8. No one cares. No one cares what you look like, what you do or your life in general globally. The best way to see this is to go outside in your socks and sandals. The world will still go on as it has been, and you will be forgotten about instantly.
9. Having accepted and come to terms with death, all other problems seem completely irrelevant. Knowing and understanding the darkest sides of society makes it much easier to appreciate what you have. Old man Jobs was right.

10. It is possible to live one's life in control of one's emotions and try to make decisions sensibly. There is nothing inhuman about it.

Let the iron saw work, my mother didn't give birth to me for work.

I don't know the author, unfortunately.

Evgeny Belyaev:
Let the iron saw work, my mother didn't give birth to me for work.

I don't know the author, unfortunately.

Blatnyak, lyrics are folk. It starts like this:

Jingle bells, jingle bells, toot-too.

And I'm not going to work today.

and then, as above.