Attention Contest! Guess the EURUSD exchange rate on 13.11.2014 and get up to $67.5 and at least $18 - page 13


super )

but it's a little early.)


We need to think about how to further encourage such super accurate predictions (although it could just be a fluke).
you need to think how to encourage such super accurate predictions in the future(although it could just be a fluke).
If you want it to be no fluke, you need a series of at least 100 forecasts from the same tipster :-) or maybe even that's not enough...
Yep - it came a month earlier than I thought it would
Bullshit, but okay, the market will go back and forth many more times.
You need a series of at least 100 forecasts from the same tipster to avoid it being a fluke :-) or maybe even that's not enough...
I think 5 times would be enough in this case.
it seems to me that in this case five times would be enough.
Five times and a coin can be tossed eagle up, but doubts about randomness are unlikely to be alleviated
You can flip a coin up five times, but doubts about randomness are unlikely to be removed.

not the right comparison. if price movements were random, it would fit. But it's not random.

and the proof is in the uncovering of currency manipulation scams.

And how many more do not know what they are doing to the exchange rate.

The problem is that they do not have a clue when it comes to the movement of currency and they do not have a clue when it comes to the movement of currency and they do not have a clue when it comes to the movement of currency.

Here's a rough comparison of what traders do when they trade.