Promotion of indicators - page 3

Speaking of birds, when it all started, we all have expressed our wishes about the partnership. If anything, we will finish this thread with our wishes from experience. So welcome all interested .
Участники готовы к программе привлечения
Участники готовы к программе привлечения
Хорошо, если программа будет в виде вкладки в терминале рядом с сигналами, назвать её можно будет к примеру "Партнёр" - дополнительное и очень эффективное средство в привлечении людей и капитала). - - Категория: общее обсуждение

That's great, the topic seems to have attracted potential partners as well.

If it is not a secret, can you share, who uses what criteria to select products for distribution?

by downloadability of the product, previously the most downloaded were the first now I do not know

star rating (I look at the stars)

If there is no commission, then why should I offer this product.

Here I understand why the output = 0 (humour)

When there are more than 12,000 clicks on the links, the smile just freezes on your face :)

I know all will be well, and this issue will also be solved !


by downloadability of the product, previously the most downloaded products were the first now I don't know

by stardom (I look at the stars)

If not, why would I want to offer this product.

So it may later become a paid product - and the link has been placed a long time ago (text has been indexed by the time, google also needs time), here it was not dripping, not dripping and suddenly it dripped - it should work like this
So it can later become a paid link - and the link has been around for a long time, it didn't drip, it didn't drip and suddenly it dripped - that's how it's supposed to work.

That's when it starts dripping, so we'll look in its direction.

Still, it seems to me that we should be more selective about the links we post and try to promote good, reliable products
I have placed almost all Market products in my time, both quaternary and pyaternary. I thought first and foremost about promoting services in general and only then about profit. If I thought only about the benefits - then I would have blown my brains out to servicedesk, because with so many hits I could really make money

When it starts to drip, we'll look in its direction.

No. We need to look now - later, when the market grows, there will be much more work to do.
Let's just say... The price of $ 10 and affiliate 10% is like this is not very interesting((( But the link posted itself, as a moral support))))

Thank you :). But it would be a real publicity stunt, so I wouldn't really get my head kicked in. I purposely did not name names, and the fact that he was in the new ones - it will quickly pass, and no one will find him in the bowels of the earth. And they won't look for it.

However, if the moderator sees a crime, please do not take down the topic. I don't mind cutting my posts. It's enough just to remove mentions like "posted today". Or I don't know anything about advertising and there may be something else?

The numbers to explain already afraid to. Perhaps in private it is safer to explain the thought process :)


When it starts to drip, we'll look in its direction.

Are other people's download statistics available? Or just trust MQ's sorting?
Are other people's download statistics available? Or just trust MQ's sorting?

on the wall to periodically view sales hits,

as far as I understand, products are not standing still now, but scrolling periodically or am I imagining it