Martingale and anti-martingale. - page 6

Advertising is the engine of commerce and envy is the engine of everything.)
well that's cutting it too close. )) Envy inhibits many people's thinking-creative powers.
Martin and anti-martin can only be used in supplementary analysis, you can't go completely head over heels or you'll lose out
Martin and anti-martin can only be used in supplementary analysis, you can't go completely overboard or you'll lose out
ooh! thank you for the pep talk!!! now i know i have to do some more analysis. which one the hell i know, but i have to... or else I'm out.
valuable information...
which one?
fractal :-) because the word is cool
fractal :-) because the word is cool
.... "s" !..... so that... no one guessed it.

26 I found a funny answer on another forum, I reworked it a bit: "It's true, but it depends on how you look at it: if you don't think about it, you don't give a shit, but when you go deeper, it gives you the willies. Even if at first you don't give a shit, but then you go deeper and the whole depot goes to hell! And who can prove what for, what these martins were brought to condition by piles, - and we need it? If we had anything, then of course, but what the hell! But we should also not forget that a normal function with a good MMM, when destructively re-translated into cloud-digital decompilation, as if it disappears in DC space and then produces an implicit hypermetamorphosis, which is not consolidated with the stochastic vector, despite the adequate destructiveness of the incoherent market-price vibration. But at the same time we should not dwell too much on these transpathological so-called market spin effects producing fluctuations... So martini or antimartini - what the fuck does it matter - as long as your head does not hurt in the morning and your hands do not tremble with greed... And in the morning they wake up - green beans around, loaded with dollar and euro and back to the shop))) Maybe he's right and there is something in this martin-chartin, eh? The question is of course interesting - well very of course of course...

fractal :-) because it's a cool word...
For some reason, I'm not surprised.
for posts that make no sense, the thread will be deleted.

Colleagues, may I add a little sense at the request of the administration? Look at all the strategies that top the ratings of trading signals (, compiled by MQL and by the number of subscribers - almost all of them are based on adding to a losing position, which is essentially Martingale. The growth rate of another position opened against the trend, in the hope to redeem accumulated losses, does not change the essence - the principle is the same: if you lose a ruble, buy two (or three or one and a half).

Everything is clear when it comes to hedging losing positions - you just open opposite positions. It's popularly calleda lock. It is written in all smart hedging manuals.

But there is no clever word on how to open the lock afterwards, no matter how much literature I have searched.

Therefore, in my humble opinion, it is much more positive to discuss this very topic. This will be the very antimartingale that will allow to avoid a complete drain of the deposit.


Colleagues, may I add a little sense at the request of the administration? Look at all the strategies that top the ratings of trading signals (, compiled by MQL and by the number of subscribers - almost all of them are based on adding to a losing position, which is essentially Martingale. The growth rate of another position opened against the trend, in the hope to redeem accumulated losses, does not change the essence - the principle is the same: if you lose a ruble, buy two (or three or one and a half).

Everything is also clear when it comes to hedging losing positions - you simply open opposite positions. This is popularly calleda lock. It is written in all the smart hedging tutorials.

But there is no clever word on how to open the lock afterwards, no matter how much literature I have searched.

Therefore, in my humble opinion, it is much more positive to discuss this very topic. This will be the very antimartingale, which will allow us to avoid a complete drain on the depo.

>How to unlock this lock afterwards - there is not a single clever word anywhere, no matter how much literature I have shoveled.

It's the same as opening a new order, so no additional literature is required