
I've already thanked you( on your feet too?).

Not one word on the matter!

The point has already been answered here.
The case has already been answered here.
Moderators, are you going to ban me again?
The case has already been answered here.
Not by me. I wanted to ask the same question back the same day the topic came up, and on the same day might have received an answer. But I didn't, think about why. Judging by the way you reacted to that question, and reacting to questions in general, you really shouldn't have asked it.
Not by me. I wanted to ask the same question the same day when this thread appeared, and the same day I could get an answer. But I did not, think why. Judging by the way you reacted to this question, and generally react to questions, you really shouldn't have asked it.

Imagine that I am right.

And ORDER_POSITION_ID should be assigned to a partially executed order (inaccuracy in the help, programming error in the terminal).

What will you and others like you look like?

And I will surely post the answer servicedesk.

P/S I have already had the experience of being called a dunce and an idiot,

I don't know what to do with it, but it turned out quite the opposite when I got an answer from Moscow Exchange technical support.


Imagine that I am right.

And ORDER_POSITION_ID should be assigned to a partially executed order (inaccuracy in the help, programming error in the terminal).

What will you and others like you look like?

And I will surely post the answer servicedesk.

P/S I have already had the experience of being called a dunce and an idiot,

I don't know what to do with that, but it turned out quite the opposite when I got an answer from the technical support service of the Moscow Stock Exchange.

Imagine ... you were so trolled that you were called a dunce and an idiot, even when you were right. You were probably doing it on purpose, people were probably asking questions and you were showing off like you did here, instead of doing your best to help people willing to help you.
Imagine ... you trolled, so much so that you were called a dunce and an idiot, even when you were right. You were probably doing it on purpose, people were probably asking questions and you were showing off like you did here instead of doing your best to help people willing to help you.

:), continue....

Here's a laugh, people who read the deleted FORTS RTS & MIX thread!

Your fantasies will take you far away...

Or maybe that's how you improve your rating?


:), continue....

Here's a laugh, people who read the deleted FORTS RTS & MIX thread!

Your fantasies will take you far away...

Or maybe that's how you boost your rating?

You must really have a very large car?
You must have a very large car indeed?

I told you I'm not smart, so I ask a lot of questions,

but on the subject, about the dacha, the car, the flat, the money, I don't ask.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to know and ask.


I told you I'm not smart, so I ask a lot of questions,

but on the subject, about the dacha, the car, the flat, the money, I don't ask.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to know and ask.

I doubt you actually feel that way. It's more likely that you have an extremely consumerist attitude. So you're the only one asking questions. And when someone asks questions about your own problem, for some reason it is not welcomed, surely the asker will be put in an idiotic position.

And by the way, that question was not about a flat, a car or money.