We need answers to the questions posed earlier. That doesn't prove anything.

Gentlemen, I apologise of course, but I am no longer part of the discussion.


Gentlemen, I apologise of course, but I am no longer part of the discussion.

Is it very difficult to answer a simple question?
Do you want me to prove you cruelly wrong?
I do
Is it very hard to answer a simple question?

Do you realise you don't know ( no offence) the basics?

What am I going to answer you if you think that ONE order can have different tickets?


Do you realise you don't know ( no offence) the basics?

What am I going to tell you if you think that ONE order can have different tickets?

Once again, it's not difficult for me. You don't have one order.

Do you realise you don't know ( no offence) the basics?

What am I going to tell you if you think that ONE order can have different tickets?

No offence. But you are the one who has a perception problem. I know the basics.

Do you realise you don't know ( no offence) the basics?

What am I going to tell you if you think that ONE order can have different tickets?

I wouldn't even think such a thing. Don't make it up for me. Better answer the question about the history of orders.

Gentlemen, is there anyone on the forum now from MQ?

Or a reputable moderator-administrator.

Please reply to forum members:

How many tickets can one order have?


Gentlemen, is there anyone on the forum from MQ right now?

Please reply to forum members:

How many tickets can one order have?

One per order. Nobody said anything about two, don't make it up. Answer the question about the history after a partial execution.
The ticket remains the same? The order has been executed in the history and the remaining part of it hangs in the market with exactly the same ticket as in the history?

Yes, with the same ticket, with the properties as they were at the time of its partial execution

If the order is still executed, the warrant in the history (with the same ticket), its properties are overwritten.