Blog FAQ - page 4

Think about it, now they're going to make them pay, that'll be fun =)
so when are the blogs coming out?
so when are the blogs coming?
First half of June
In the first half of June.
Okay. We're waiting.
In the first half of June.
What year?
Ok) wait for.

(from "White Sun of the Desert")

Ivan Ivanov:
And what year?
As soon as possible.
I wonder if blogs will be incentivised with bonuses.
I wonder if blogs will be incentivised with bonuses.

Why, I just wondered if when you put up screenshots it counts in the ranking.... or not... I'm confused...

If so, then the rating will automatically increase as you publish your screenshots on the blog


Why, I just wondered if when you put up screenshots it counts in the ranking.... or not... I'm confused...

If yes, then the rating will automatically increase as you publish your screenshots on the blog

I haven't noticed that screenshots affect ranking. Maybe, taking into account attracted to blog or MQL5.Community services via blog is more or less a reasonable option. But not counting the number of posts on the blog.