Blog FAQ - page 24


For such a goal to be realistic, there must be opportunities to promote blogs. Under the current ranking system this objective is unrealistic because the author's blog will simply slide to the fringes of the ranking, and the copy-pastors will get readers with attractive headlines... i.e. stolen content. Competition is high and it's unlikely to stay afloat in such a scenario.

It's not about the legal aspect, as it's a problem for both those who steal content and those who provide a resource to host the stolen content.

The fact is that promoting a blog is not an easy task. Moreover, filling the author's content is also a difficult task, because in this case, in one place, copied and pasted on the blog - you can not. The author's content must be created by yourself, i.e. you have to spend your own efforts and personal time for it. Since in this case it is very difficult to compete with copyists, the question arises: What's the point?

If to look at a current state of blogs, it is visible, that there on the first place copypaste, on the second - rerate (basically "analytics" with "exact" predictions). The other topics are not developing. I.e. those who would like to have their own blog on mql5 do not see the prospects, and therefore do not want to spend time and effort to make their blog unclaimed.

You cannot get rid of copypaste.

To distinguish author's content from general rating, you should introduce two ratings -- rating by copypaste and rating by author's work.

You can distinguish both content by the "Source" attribute -- which every blog has.

What's the point of copypaste on blogs?

For such a goal to be realistic, there must be opportunities to promote blogs. Under the current ranking system this objective is unrealistic because the author's blog will simply slide to the fringes of the ranking and the copy-pastors will get readers with attractive headlines... i.e. stolen content. Competition is high and it's unlikely to stay afloat in such a scenario.

It's not about the legal aspect, as this is a problem for both those who steal content and those who provide a resource for posting the stolen content.

The fact is that promoting a blog is not an easy task. Moreover, filling the author's content is also a difficult task, because in this case, in one place copied and pasted on the blog - you can not. The author's content must be created by yourself, i.e. you have to spend your own efforts and personal time for it. In this case it is very difficult to compete with copyists, which raises the question: what's the point?

If to look at the current state of blogs, we see that the first place is occupied by copypaste, the second - by republishing (mainly "analytics" with "exact" prognoses). The rest of the topics are not developing. I.e. those who would like to have their own blog on mql5 do not see the prospects, and therefore do not want to spend time and effort to make their blog unclaimed.

If the author's post will be interesting for the masses, it will get rating for the top on general grounds. To fear competition is simply to admit your inability to produce competitive material of the same calibre as the copied material (is it a problem to come up with an attractive headline to begin with?). If the main point of the objection is that authoring material requires work and copying does not, then there is absolutely no objection here. If own material was rewarded with extra points for rating - I'd be all for it. Maybe even make 2 different rankings and ranking original blogs - put upstairs. In principle, by definition a blog should of course be author's and not plagiarized, but something tells me MK will not agree to forbid copying.

What's the point of copypaste on blogs?
To gain cheap popularity.
What is the point of copypaste on blogs?

To boost your blog's ranking and traffic. And in the quickest way possible - copy someone else's content and paste it onto your blog. Cheap and sour. Personal effort is almost no, time costs are minimal.

If you still understand the search keywords, and apply the appropriate simomizer, the high attendance of your blog can be obtained in a very short time, because is indexed very well, and skolopotat ban from search engines for search spam is unlikely.


In order to separate author's content from general rating, you have to introduce two ratings -- rating by copypaste and rating by author's work.

Who needs it? )) Normal author's content has no problem reaching the top, the main thing is to make the tops adequate and relevant.

And promised huge audience is somehow not seen at all.

Who wants to see copypaste price, look at newdigital's profile, and everything will become clear at once ) especially if you consider the number of friends and the fact that the English part of the blog is much more active.


Nurturing your blog's ranking and traffic.

You'll only get them if you stick those same copypasted links everywhere you go. And that's only if the copypaste is good.
By the way, not only texts are stolen, but also pictures. They annoy me the most with their left-handedness (i.e. irrelevant).

Who needs it? )) Normal author's content has no problem reaching the top, the main thing is to make the tops adequate and relevant.

And the promise of a huge audience is somehow not visible at all.

Who wants to see the cost of copying, look at the profile of newdigital all at once it becomes clear ) especially when you consider the number of friends and the fact that the English side of the blogs is much more active.

The normal author's content itself in the top will not climb, because search engine spam will kill it. The fact that a normal author will gather a certain audience of regular readers, it's easy to be. But a significant part of his audience will be stolen by copyists.
The only way you're going to make them up is by sticking copypasted links everywhere you go. And only if the copypaste is good.

It's useless to explain. Google "black SEO" - everything was chewed up there long ago.

And SEO specialists on local blogs are even more comfortable. Stole content, ran it through sinomizer, stuffed it with keywords, and sit back and watch traffic grow. The resource is already promoted and perfectly indexed. The blogs are not in a separate subdomain, and in the directory. That is, search engines will index the main domain and shove it in the output.