Blog FAQ - page 22

I meant something like that:
Uh-huh, I agree.

For a start, a miscellaneous section should be added.

When they start putting blogs in that section without finding their own regular section, it will immediately become clear what sections are missing and what sections are in demand.

The proposed "Programming" section is fully covered by the "Trading Ideas" section.

Or what is supposed to write in the "Programming"? Not on the subject of the resource?


For a start, a miscellaneous section should be added.

When they start putting blogs in that section without finding their own regular section, it will immediately become clear which sections are missing and which sections are in demand.

The proposed "Programming" section is fully covered by the "Trading Ideas" section.

Or what is supposed to write in the "Programming"? Not on the subject of the resource?

So, a non-programmer cannot have a trading idea? Holy moly... Give it up already... ;)
So, a non-programmer can't have a trading idea? Oh, my grandmother... Give it up already... ;)

"If grandma had balls, she'd be grandpa".

and that different sections are needed for a trading idea with examples of programs/algorithms -- and for a trading idea only in the form of a verbal/schematic description?

the introduction of the "programming" section -- is that supposed to be for what? -- how would putting in the "programming" section be different from "codebase", "articles"?


"If grandma had balls, she'd be grandpa".

and that different sections are needed for a trading idea with example programs/algorithms -- and for a trading idea only in the form of a verbal/schematic description?

the introduction of the "programming" section -- is that supposed to be for what? -- in what way will the "programming" section be different from "codebase", "articles"?

Andrey, how is a forum different from a blog? You may write your own thoughts in the forum as well.

Simply "question and answer" or solutions of these or those tasks and algorithms in a blog somehow fits better, no? IMHO of course.


Good afternoon!

Before the advent of blogging, I was reading a thread on this forum about humour.

I want to thank the developers and bloggers for creating new informative content.

The design of blogs is awesome. The content is accessible, simple and clear. Almost every day I copy a new article in my notes.

Big kudos to you!


Andrei, how is the forum different from blogs? You can write your own thoughts in a forum thread, too.

Just a "question and answer" or solutions of these or those tasks and algorithms in a blog somehow fits better, no? IMHO of course.

the good guys will litter it with their thoughts.
a question to the owners, can you elaborate on my rights and opportunities regarding blogs? a very interesting thread for me has just been taken down and i would not want this to happen again in blogs
I absolutely understand that this resource does not take into account the psychological component of trading, but to put it accurately, it makes more than 60% of the success in trading, thus some of my thoughts in my blogs may not please some overpowered moderators with a materialistic bent.
can i rely on the protection of the service from their actions within the established rules?
and the euro has already blown away the lower fractals on m15


... how is a forum different from a blog? You can write your own thoughts in a forum thread too.

Personal blog

  1. The topikstatter - aka blogger is always alone. The blogger can choose what to write, and what to correct or delete. This feature is not supported in the MQ version, as the moderators will decide what bloggers can and can't write.
  2. A moderator, as a blogger, is always alone. He or she chooses which comments to delete, which to keep, and which commenters to ban from the blog. In version from MQ this function is not supported, because in order to kill the comments or commenters rascals need to go to the bow of the moderators and convince them.
  3. The ability to create and select sections and subsections for blog posts. Not supported in the MQ version. For example, the sections for programming have long been nagged by bloggers, despite Renat's assertion that it's a cakewalk to create them.

Generally speaking, the so-called "blogs" from MQ are not personal, because they are run by moderators, not bloggers. Moreover, such pseudo-blogs are very difficult to attract the attention of readers, unlike forums, because they are not in a prominent place.

IMHO, in this situation, it is better to hang out on the forum, because under the same conditions, the forum is more visited, and therefore it is much easier to attract attention.