Blog FAQ - page 18


It takes a lot of effort for an average Russian-speaking user to find an English-language article on a topic for which there is already an article in Russian. The Russian article will take priority.

The search engine knows your native language (even if it's the first time you've accessed Google/Yandex from a tablet while lying on a beach in Thailand - the browser transmits it). And that language will be taken into account when searching for terms in English.

Hee. About PageRank you probably forgot. If someone will put a number of links on the English version of the article, it may appear in a priority before the Russian one. And the English article is more likely to be linked to.
It would be nice for blogs not to count the author's own visits as views.
It would be nice for blogs not to count the author's own visits as views.
Once is all right.
Huh. You must have forgotten about PageRank. If somebody link a lot of English-speaking article, it may appear to be a priority before the Russian one. And the English article is more likely to be linked to.

Only if the links (to the English-language article) are on Russian-language sites.


is it possible to create a blog topic and then delete it?

or if you have already started a blog topic, then "sadness" comes over from the responsive readers in the comments -- then there is no way to delete it?

You can
You can

Great. Because I want to post a series of my "musings", as Contender put it, "fabulous musings" on the blogs.

In case there's a "fight" in the comments, so you can "get away" by deleting the blog.


Great. Because I want to post a series of my "musings", as Contender put it, "fabulous musings" on the blogs.

In case there's a "fight" in the comments, so you can "get away" by deleting the blog.

If it's just the comments that are the problem - why delete the post straight away - you could ask an admin to clean up the comments.
If the problem is only with the comments - why delete the post straight away - you could ask an administrator to clean up the comments.
Why can't you clean up the comments yourself? It's blogs -- the blog author -- the commenter
barabashkakvn: - write something in the comments, please.

No, I won't write, in case I get beaten up before time and for nothing.

your experiment is not suitable -- you are a moderator -- you have different access rights -- a regular user experiment is needed