Blog FAQ - page 16

I see people writing blogs. Does anyone read them?
There's an "eye" icon and next to it the number of views

And maybe we should add in the top right corner, where a red news icon pops up in the feed, the same icon if someone replies to the blog. For efficiency .

What do you mean by "if someone replies to the blog"?

To show a notification icon if someone comments on my post?


And what do you mean by the phrase "if someone replies to the blog"?

Show a notification icon if someone has written a comment on my post?


There should be dialogs on the topic of the post and need prompt notification of comments

In the advanced search I would like to see an item: search only for blogs

I, for one, was expecting a bit different, so I'm watching and not posting :-)... I'll see what happens next...

I had a vision of something whole, "my piece" where I can write for myself, who like it, let them look, it's not important, now what I see, if I start posting it will be like if I post on a poplar or birch leaves, a little on top a little in the middle and a little below, all these leaves will be scattered across the blogosphere...... I want my own single bookmarked page to organize and structure my notes, screenshots, etc...

Yes, it seems that blogging as a single structured entity is sadly lacking... Instead of a unified structure, you get a collection of disjointed posts.

Made two test posts specifically to check it out...I could be wrong though...


Yes, there doesn't seem to be a blog as a single structured whole, unfortunately... Instead of a unified structure, it turns out to be a collection of disjointed posts.

I made two test posts especially to check it out...I could be wrong though...

Basically, in a blog, the blogger himself should decide which sections of the blog he wants to do. There should be a flexible link between all the sections of the blog, and the design of the blog is something that should emphasise the personality and recognisability of the blog and the author, e.t.c.

What do we have? A complete set of absolutely identical in style and design disparate publications. What you'll have in search engines is unclear. How to post a link to your blog on third-party resources? Post a list of links to each section, which are in different places? In my opinion, there should be one main page of a blog from which you can organize transitions by different topics of one author having the same design style, specific to a particular blog of a particular author. No, well, of course you can do with links to other themes of the author, but ...

Frames do tables only ... Images... it would be nice to automatically reduce the size as it is done in the forum. In the centre of the table inserted a photo, big ... The left column of the table became quite narrow, the entire central column of the table stretched as far as it could under the size of the image (and that did not fit, cut off to the right), the right column of the table simply disappeared behind the right edge of the space allocated to the text of the blog. I could not change the size of the borders of the table either - it lives its own automatic life. I may have misunderstood something...

There is still the question of placing widgets on the blog. I am not even talking about third-party ones, only MetaQuotes itself provides widgets for my own products from the Market. We can also talk a lot about the blog's design, but so far we have a single common style for all. At least you can insert a header.


Yes, there doesn't seem to be a blog as a single structured whole, unfortunately... Instead of a unified structure, it turns out to be a collection of disjointed posts.

I made two test posts just to check...I could be wrong though...

On the main Blogs page we place posts from all authors, so there won't be a "chain" of posts from one author.

You can see all the posts you've published on your own profile - Is this the structure you had in mind?



...How do I post a link to my blog on external resources? Post a list of links to each section in different places? In my opinion, there should be one main page of the blog, from which you can organize transitions to different themes of one author, which will have the same style of design, specific to a particular blog of a particular author. No, well, of course you can do with links to other themes of the author, but ...

...Frames make tables only...

...Images... It would be good to automatically reduce the size as it is done on the forum. В

...the right column of the table just disappeared behind the right edge of the space allocated for blog text.

...I couldn't resize the table borders either - it lives its own automatic life. Maybe I misunderstood something...

...There is still the question of putting widgets on the blog. I'm not even talking about third-party ones, only MetaQuotes itself can provide widgets for my own products from Market.

...We can talk a lot about the design of the blog, too, but so far we have a single common style for all. At least you can insert a header.

  1. All your posts will be collected in your profile (section "Blogs" will appear in your profile, when you publish at least one post). Here are, for example, all the posts from the user newdigital -
  2. I don't understand about frames. Explain, please.
  3. Images are automatically reduced. In addition, they are now "rubber" - automatically adjusts to the width of the browser window. But this has been done relatively recently. Perhaps, when you were testing, this functionality was not yet available.
  4. If a table is of fixed size or has rather dense text content, we physically can't shrink it. And then it does indeed get cropped on the right edge.
  5. If you're pasting table with built-in editor, it will create a "rubber table" (100% width) by default. The width of columns (or the whole table) should be changed only if you want to make the table very small. For example, I specified a width of "200px" when creating the table:
    Header 1
    Header 2
    Cell text
    Text in cell
  6. About widgets (to our resources) - I'm not sure it's necessary now, but time will tell. Inserting widgets from third-party resources will definitely not be done - it's too insecure.
  7. But is a common style of design - it's bad? Even, famous for its blogs for girls of 15-16 years old with vyvyglaznym design of flowers and ruffles came to a common style. Of course there is no escaping from animated gifs, but on the whole these blogs are now at least readable.
  1. All your posts will be collected in your profile (the "Blogs" section will appear in your profile when you publish at least one post). For example, here are all the posts by newdigital -
  2. I don't understand about the frames. Please explain.
  3. The images are automatically resized. Also, they are now "rubber-stamped" - they automatically adjust to the width of the browser window. But this has been done relatively recently. Perhaps, when you were testing, this functionality was not yet available.
  4. If a table is of fixed size or has a rather dense text content, we physically can't shrink it. And then it does indeed get cropped on the right edge.
  5. If you do this with built-in editor, the table will by default be set to "rubberbottom" (100% width). The width of columns (or the whole table) should be changed only if you want to make the table very small. For example, I specified a width of "200px" when creating the table:
    Header 1
    Header 2
    Cell text
    Cell text
  6. About widgets (to our resources) - I'm not sure it's necessary now, but time will tell. Inserting widgets from third-party resources will definitely not be done - it's too insecure.
  7. But is a common style of design - it's bad? Even, famous for its blogs for girls of 15-16 years old with vyvyglaznym design of flowers and ruffles came to a common style. Of course there is no escaping from animated gifs, but on the whole these blogs are now at least readable.

Highlighted. Checked. In a three-column table inserted a big picture. In the editor you can see it all with scrollbars. After updating, the picture is cropped on the right edge, and the right margin of the table disappears.


On the main Blogs page we post posts from all authors, so there won't be a "chain" of posts from one author.

You can see all the posts you've published on your own profile - Is this the structure you had in mind?

I've seen it, of course. The posts are in a solid stream. But I would like to be able to structure them on the blog itself.