Blog FAQ - page 9


Reshetov has done and written a great deal of authoring, and also knows about targeting. As already pointed out, the programming themes fit perfectly into the existing headings.

Look around you and take a broader view, please. 99% of people consume, not create.

Don't disturb the small part of the community who silently create by criticizing. We have been building information systems for many years, encouraging active participants to create value and delivering the fruits of their work to millions of traders.

Our website is for the vast mass of consumers in a multitude of languages. And the content creators know it.

I want to create a diary, where I can post screenshots, account reports, my own thoughts and a separate line to answer questions - can I now implement this in the context of a single blog....?

While all this was in the process of being created I thought I could, but now I'm at a loss...

I want to create a diary

You already have one - in your profile, the BLOG tab

Ivan Ivanov:
where I can post screenshots, account reports, my own thoughts

screenshots == charts

account statements == statistics

personal thoughts + any of the above == strategy

and a separate line to answer questions

So there are comments to the blog.

So far so good.


You already have one - in your profile, the BLOG tab

screenshots == charts

account statements == statistics

personal thoughts + any of the above == strategy

So there are comments to the blog.

So far so good.

And all this will be scattered on different topics. And in one?

And how do I share my experiences with my colleagues? I would really like a separate section on algorithmic trading with its own sub-sections. However, coding of algorithms, absolutely different in purpose and functionality, would have to be included into some topic for traders or analysts. In this case, the target audience is different - they are not interested in HOW it is DONE, they are interested in how it WORKS. That is, the blog on programming methods of algorithms with sources, discussion and revision-refinement in question-answer style is accessible only to those who accidentally wandered. You will have to do the promotion yourself, which is the same as having a blog on absolutely any other resource.


And it's all going to be scattered over different topics. And in one?

A major redesign of personal profiles and improved social features is now in progress.

Of course, the personal blogs section will also be available in each author's profile. Only a small part of the functionality has been implemented yet, wait a couple of weeks and you'll see how everything will tie in.

Note how the site changes daily without announcements:


And all this will be scattered in different themes. And in one?

If it's just one, we need a "Trader's Diary" subsection. But it would be a hell of a mess there :) Everyone will write about his own things - one will write charts, another one will write reports, the third one will write trading rules. I will definitely not go there.


And how to share your experiences with colleagues? I would really like a separate section on algorithmic trading with its own sub-sections. However, coding of algorithms, absolutely different in purpose and functionality, would have to be included into some topic for traders or analysts. In this case, the target audience is different - they are not interested in HOW it is DONE, they are interested in how it WORKS. That is, the blog on programming methods of algorithms with sources, discussion and revision-refinement in question-answer style is accessible only to those who accidentally wandered. You will have to do the promotion yourself, which is the same as having a blog on absolutely any other resource.

The "Trading Ideas" section seems to be the purpose of it. The same "neural networks" section is pure programming. That's where to post if the topic does not belong to existing sections - another question.


If it's just one, we need a "Trader's Diary" subsection. But it would be a hell of a mess there :) Everyone will write about his own things - one will write charts, another one will write reports, the third one will write trading rules. I will definitely not go there.

The "Trading Ideas" section seems to be the purpose of it. The same "neural networks" section is pure programming. That's where to post if the topic does not relate to existing sections - another question.

Look, I am not a programmer: I read "Trade ideas". It is interesting, I enter in search of trading ideas, i.e., I expect to see how a person trades, and what principles he uses in trading. If there is a parsing of some unknown to me codes - I leave and forget about this blog.

It is easier for a programmer in this sense - he or she can get ideas there to implement the ideas he or she likes into code. But the programmer won't look there for parsing algorithms and codes, but for trading ideas and strategies.

At the same time, if the programmer puts there programming methods of trading ideas and algorithms, he or she will not quickly get an audience without additional waving of flags and invitations with cakes.

Why not divide it into subsections?

1. trading ideas;
1.1 Strategies and trading methods;
1.2 Trading systems programming;

This is more obvious. There is no need to dig through mountains of information. Everyone sees where they want to go and where they are most likely to find what they are looking for.


A major redesign of the personal profiles and improvements to the social functions are now in progress.

Of course, the personal blogs section will also be available on each author's profile. Only a small part of the functionality has been implemented so far; wait a couple of weeks to see how everything will tie in.

Notice how the site changes daily without announcements:

Of course we notice everything. If we keep quiet about the good stuff - consider it as tacit support. If we talk about shortcomings - not out of malice, but out of a desire to see the resource even friendlier and more user-friendly.

By the way. There is a Blog in your profile. But it would be nice to see Drafts below as well. Right now, to get to your draft, you have to go to Blogs and find your draft at the very bottom there. Make it accessible directly from your profile - more convenient.


Look, I am not a programmer: I read "Trading ideas". I enter in search of trading ideas, i.e. I expect to see how the person trades and what principles he uses in trading. If there is a parsing of some unknown to me codes - I leave and forget about this blog.

It is easier for a programmer in this sense - he or she can get ideas there to implement the ideas he or she likes into code. But the programmer won't look there for parsing algorithms and codes, but for trading ideas and strategies.

At the same time, if the programmer places the programming methods of trading ideas and algorithms there, he or she will not quickly get the audience without additional waving of flags and baits with cakes.

Why not divide it into subsections?

1. trading ideas;
1.1 Strategies and trading methods;
1.2 Trading systems programming;

This is more obvious. There is no need to dig through mountains of information. Everyone sees where they want to go and where they are most likely to find what they are looking for.

I agree - I'm convinced :)


Of course we notice everything. If we keep silent about good things - consider it a silent support. If we talk about the shortcomings - not out of malice, but out of a desire to see a resource even more friendly and convenient.



I would really like to have a separate section on algotrading with its own sub-sections.

Dream on, though.


This is not what was imagined under blogs. It's not blogs, but rather a symposium on a narrow topic.

I imagined that a blog is a more personalized space with the fewest restrictions on topics, everyone writes about whatever he or she wants, even cartoons are discussed, unlike a forum, where you have to stick to the subject, but it turned out the opposite, the forum has more freedom than a personal blog.

Perhaps, the creators have their own plans, unknown to anyone.