Suggestions for promoting the MT5 platform to the masses - page 11

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Verification usually takes a day. I don't think the code is checked at all. Not so long ago I saw a script that only did things like open 5 identical orders in a row! That is, the kodobase is rotten, you can pour anything you like there, even such outright rubbish.

I have a few programs lying there but I have written them for myself and I use them, i.e. I look at the quality.

And there is one person on the forum, he just pours there a few pieces a day. He gets paid $1 for each download, so he's obviously interested in stealing codes off the Internet and pouring them into KB. He's got about 900 downloads!

How is that a day?

A week's worth of classes being checked out...

And never posted in a day - always expected at least three days (admittedly and posted not much, but that's from the fact that I'm not sure the usefulness of someone what I myself use).

As for the "staff" throwing "junk" into the kodobase, there must be a demand for that too.

And the following ideas come to mind: to dilute useless vain things in kodobase at least somehow, you can team up with several people who care about code quality on this service and undertake to each, if possible, post 1 - 3 useful things to the database each week. Maybe this will dilute with something useful all that "hopelessness" prevailing in the database at the moment? It's a shame. Such a powerful resource, and how do you get a glimpse into the cobbler ..... And among all the stuff piled there, there are some good, useful things. It's just hard to find...

Artyom Trishkin:

How is it a day?

Classes have been poking around for a week...

And never was posted for a day - always expected at least three days (admittedly and posted not much, but that's from the fact that I'm not sure whether someone usefulness of what I use myself).

As for the "staff" throwing "junk" into the kodobaza - that must be in demand by someone, too.

And the following ideas come to mind: to dilute useless vain things in kodobase at least somehow, you can team up with several people who care about code quality on this service, and commit to each of them if possible to post 1 - 3 useful things in the base every week. Maybe this will dilute with something useful all that "hopelessness" prevailing in the database at the moment? It's a shame. Such a powerful resource, and how do you get a glimpse into the cobbler ..... And among all the stuff piled there, there are some good, useful things. It's just hard to find...

I really have a day, even once threw a Friday at 2 pm and it had time to post. However, it was summer, not much was laid out, I guess.

You can't count on enthusiasts. For example, I am self-employed so I do not have much time to do this kind of charity. On the other hand, there are people languishing in offices, they'd do just fine.

I've long classified KB as a garbage dump, and I only go there to look for codes of an interesting publication's author. And going through a pile of rubbish...nah.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Verification usually takes a day. I don't think the code is checked at all. Not so long ago I saw a script that only did things like open 5 identical orders in a row! That is , the kodobase is rotten, you can pour anything you want in there, even such outright rubbish.

I've got several programs there. I've written them for myself and I've been using them myself, i.e. I've been watching their quality.

And there is one person on the forum, he just pours there a few pieces a day. He gets paid $1 for each download, so he's obviously interested in stealing codes off the internet and pouring them into KB. He's got about 900 downloads and a g***o rating to the sky!

CodaBase needs to be advertised. And that can be done by the person who "pours", or anyone else.
For example, some years ago I used to put in the comments of KodaBase for some indicators mini articles on how to use them (and publicly posted links in the thread to such mini articles in the comments). There are over 100 such mini-articles. How to use zigzag in manual trading, for example. What is the difference between asctrend and braintrend signal indicator for trading on accuracy of entry and exit of positions, examples of using RSI with examples and stats at least for some hours for each variant ...

But more effective - just open forum threads with examples and ideas on how to use some indicator from CodaBase.
I have several such branches in English: one on signal indicators, another on stoch indicators, there is a general branch ("Something Interesting"), etc.

But if the programmer "put" an indicator (for example) in the Code Base with a general description, while non-programmers will have to get its details with examples of use and with test modes from the program articles here or from the Internet - I think it's not correct.

You can do promotion of CodaBase on the forum (you can't do signals and market, but you can do anything from CodaBase).


I`ve just answered one user in English who wanted to know if it was possible to open 4 charts in Metatrader for four different instruments. And such beginners on this forum are in the majority. And the author's description is not enough for them, they understand nothing of programming ... The one who "filled" often gives minimum of non-programming information, and other programmers, instead of doing promotion of tools from KodaBase, just wait for someone to come and explain everything to newcomers.

Sergey Golubev:

Codabase must be promoted. And this can be done by the one who "pours", or anyone else.
For example, several years ago I used to put mini articles on CodaBase in the comments of some indicators on how to use them (and publicly posted links in the branch to these mini articles in the comments). There are over 100 such mini-articles. How to use zigzag in manual trading, for example. What is the difference between asctrend and braintrend signal indicator for trading on accuracy of entry and exit of positions, examples of using RSI with examples and stats at least for some hours for each variant ...

But more effective - just open threads on the forum with examples and ideas on how to use some indicator from CodaBase.
I have several such branches in English: one on signal indicators, another on stoch indicators, there is a general branch ("Something Interesting"), etc.

But if the programmer "put" an indicator (for example) in CodaBase with a general description and the details with examples of its use and with the stats, non-programmer traders must get it from the program articles here or from the Internet, I think it's wrong.

CodaBase can be promoted on the forum (signals and marketplace are not allowed, but anything from CodaBase is).


I have just answered one user in English asking if Metatrader can open 4 charts for four different instruments. And such beginners on this forum are in the majority. And the author's description is not enough for them, they understand nothing of programming ... The one who "filled" often gives the minimum of non-programming information, and the other programmers, instead of doing promotion of tools from the CodeBase, just wait for someone to come and explain everything to newbies.

Good thoughts! But programmers, for some reason, always think differently - they put a layer, and then let the trader (non-programmer) figure it out.


Good thoughts! But programmers, for some reason, always think differently - layer it, and then let the trader (non-programmer) sort it out.

We must simply change the psychology of the process, so to speak.

How it is now?
A user makes posts or threads, while his or her "friends" (forum regulars) are real or virtual "opponents". If a newbie visits the forum and sees that users are talking to themselves in the branches, and all know each other for a long time, prove something to each other, and sometimes you wonder why they are not in private or in chat, why outsiders have to read? :)

If you make posts and branches not for each other but for those who are not on the portal, or for the majority (newbies), who just read - then the forum will develop, customers (and new customers to the services probably the majority - newcomers) will be more, etc.


Why another discussion on the subject?

sit on 4, wait for 6 with the new language and then we can go there

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Verification usually takes a day. I don't think the code is checked at all. Not so long ago I saw a script that only did things like open 5 identical orders in a row! That is, the kodobase is rotten, you can pour anything you like there, even such outright rubbish.

I've got several programs there. I've written them for myself and I've been using them myself, i.e. I've been watching their quality.

And there is one person on the forum, he just pours there a few pieces a day. He gets paid $1 for each download, so he's obviously interested in stealing codes off the internet and pouring them into KB. He's got about 900 downloads and a g***o rating to the sky!

:) All beginners start with the code base. I still use it, half of the indicators are set up as you want.

I'm afraid that in order to keep KodoBase "attractive" there has to be someone who has a good understanding of programming, and regularly comments on all new additions and also on the most frequently downloaded products. This is quite a tedious job, for which "out of sheer enthusiasm" no one is likely to take up.

So, KodoBase will remain as it was.

But, personally, I periodically look through the "Libraries" section - in my opinion, this section regularly contains interesting code, which can be adapted to my personal code library.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

4. Often better trading conditions.

As an example, try to find a quote for MT5 with leverage 1:2000, hedged margin = 0, spread 8-13 on 5-digit, and StopLevel=12.

Look around and you won't find it, I am testing on 4

------ I am a 5-mark apologist myself and I am writing everything new for it, but objectively, the situation is like this ---------.

If you stare at the present moment, the future will never come, because the present will repeat itself (like Groundhog Day).

Your argument creates a logical deadlock for the possibility of development and leads into a vicious circle: the future cannot come because we are all prisoners of the current situation. We are trapped in it because we reproduce it all the time. We reproduce it because we are its captive ...

If we want to move forward, we must sacrifice the comfort that the status quo envelops us and venture into the unknown.

Those who can't see the future won't do it, but there are people who can't live without development. They will not take such arguments seriously and they will not stop them.

Let's understand why it is advantageous for us to move to MT5.
Реter Konow:
If you stare at the present moment, the future will never come, because the present will repeat itself (like Groundhog Day in the movie).

Your argument creates a logical deadlock for the possibility of development and leads to a vicious circle: the future cannot come because we are all prisoners of the current situation. We are captive to it because we reproduce it all the time. We reproduce it because we are its captive ...

If we want to move forward, we must sacrifice the comfort that the status quo envelops us and venture into the unknown.

Those who can't see the future won't do it, but there are people who can't live without development. They will not take such arguments seriously and they will not stop them.

Let's understand why it is advantageous for us to move to MT5.
It's profitable when the profits growPOST.