Winning the forex. - page 4


It's a very understandable phenomenon. It is called gambling addiction.

This is when a madman, even though he has not won anything, but due to ignorance of probability theory he imagines that he "just a little bit missed the prize". For this reason they continue betting, often with an increase, in the hope that next time this "little bit" will be enough to win more than enough.

Also, losomaniacs for the same reason illiteracy, there is a feeling as if they can "control" and "manage" the probabilistic processes, although the losomaniacs do not really depend on anything.

Well, the invention of all sorts of "theories" knowingly contradicting the theory of probability - this is also the destiny of losomaniacs. For example, they attribute to random events without memory the "presence" of this very memory. For example, they assume that if a roulette value has not fallen out for a long time, its probability allegedly "increases" due to this. However it isn't so and even it is very easy to explain why: the number of pockets in roulette is always constant, i.e. for increasing the probability of any value it is necessary and enough to exclude pockets, in which the ball stopped before from the game (not to count, i.e. to include the memory for something that already fell out before). But since pockets are not excluded from the game, the probability of any value in the roulette wheel remains independent of the previously dropped values. For the same reason, after a bust, the losers get the feeling that it's about to pop.


I do not pretend to "control the situation. A only develop strategies in which I began to use non-standard use of indicators mt4 , for techno-analysisof the market.

to find when it is not so difficult to get in, it is much harder to decide to get out in time.
finding when to go in is not so difficult, it is much harder to decide to get out in time.
Also true. The "human factor" ruins a good start.
It's not so hard to find when to go in, it's much harder to decide to get out in time.
And I think I agree with you.)
to find when it is not so difficult to get in, it is much harder to decide to get out in time.
It's also not that difficult. To do this, you need to put sane stops on open positions.
It's not that complicated either. To do that you need to put a sensible stop on open positions.

Can I ask you about your success as a forex trader?

I was talking about the difficulty of the exit because I'm currently working on this issue, the target stop is one thing, while the dynamic stop is a struggle for more profit /trailing stop is also dynamic / so far I've been using both stops and pulling the target one to Breakeven.



I don't pretend to "control the situation". I only develop strategies, in which I started to use non-standard application of mt4 indicators, for technical analysis of the market.

That's funny :-)))
That's funny :-)))
Maybe "unconventional"(I can't even apply mt4 indicators standardly yet)

started using non-standard use of mt4 indicators for technicalmarket analysis.

)))) how is it? do you boil them in a pot beforehand?
the output is no different from the input) only the buttons. If it's not hard to find the input, it's not hard to find the output either. Although I would argue that it is not difficult)

there really is no tennis ball and no shadows and .... you don't exist) it's all an illusion and we're all in the matrix) or whatever