Developers! Do you even test what you create?


Good afternoon!

I place order with volume 3.

First time the order is executed by 1 (server reply is TRADE_TRANSACTION_DEAL_ADD shown in green),

for the second time, after modification, the order is executed for another 1 (no response from the server!)

As there is no message from server after modification ( Tiket = 3852479 --> TRADE_TRANSACTION_ORDER_UPDATE --> ORDER_STATE_PLACED )?

Is it so hard to test it?

void OnTradeTransaction( const MqlTradeTransaction &trans, const MqlTradeRequest &request, const MqlTradeResult &result )
  Print( "Ticket = ", string(trans.order), " --> ", EnumToString(trans.type), " --> trans.order_state = ", EnumToString(trans.order_state) );
the names of the heroes, please!

Is it really that hard to test?

I'm not a developer, but I know that testing is very difficult, even more difficult than writing.

And in this case it's just one of the glitches found. You were right to tell us. The developers will take it into account. Shouting "you test what you create is stupid" probably because you yourself were not involved in creating really great products, and do not know that they do not work at all without testing. And catching "absolutely all" bugs is virtually impossible.


I'm not a developer, but I know that testing is very difficult, even more difficult than writing.

In this case, they just found one of the glitches. You were right to report it. The developers will take it into account. Shouting "you test what you create - stupid", apparently, you are not involved in creating really great products, and do not know that without testing they would not work at all. And catching "absolutely all" bugs is virtually impossible.

If the product is free, it's OK, no questions asked.

But if it's paid?

You have to pay 100 quid to help the developers test it? And report about glitches for free?


Oh, come on, you're defending the developers.

I agree that it is impossible to catch all errors. But errors that affect the financial results of the platform's clients must be fixed by normal developers. Processing of trade operations is the core. Errors in executing trade orders from the platform are nonsense.

I agree.

If you can't catch it, make the product free, release it for general "testing" and if everything is OK, start selling.


Dear Laryx!

1. When I worked at 1C in the games localization group, we had a

which worked ONLY for us. There were 15 people working in that department,

who STILL tested our work. Of course, they missed some very minor

mistakes in translation, but they NEVER missed any FATAL mistakes!

2. What do you mean by "free", do they work for a mint? It's the broker who gives the platform conditionally free!

3. MT-5, people who want to write robots, scripts, etc. choose it.

Instead of developing what is good in the platform concept, the developers

are busy "decorating" their brainchild (buttons, nice graphics, etc.)

not caring about the FUNDAMENTAL fundamentals of the platform!!!!

This is not just nonsense, but a blatant indifference to its users!

4. You write:"And in this case - just one of the glitches found."

For you it's JUST, but I have a deposit of six zeros, which I almost lost because of this "JUST" glitch!


Unfortunately, you have provided little information instead of attaching easily copied text logs from both windows: the trading log and the expert log.

If you have full logs, where you can see all the details of the transactions taking place, it will be possible to give an answer.


who were STILL testing our work. Of course, they skipped over very minor

but NEVER missed a fatal error!

How is a "fatal" error different from a "non-fatal" one? Any, even the smallest mistake can lead to fatal consequences.

The main idea of my objection was that instead of yelling "don't you test it", we should make an effort to detect the problem and help the developer fix it.

I've fished out a few bugs myself, and worked through Service Desk to fix them - the bugs have been identified, and fixed. Besides that, I worked in the programming department of a rather large company and know the situation with errors from within - no matter how hard you try, there is still a probability of errors (including fatal ones).

Instead of developing the good in the platform concept, the developers

are busy "decorating" their child (buttons, nice graphics, etc.), not caring about the FUNDS of the platform.

not caring about the FUNDAMENTAL fundamentals of the platform!!!!

This is not just nonsense, but blatant indifference to its users!

Well, I partly agree with you. I also note that as an MQL-developer, I'm interested in no more than 10% of improvements on the list of changes.

But on the other hand I don't think "developers don't care about...". - they do.

Alas, for the majority of traders, the "platform fundamentals" are just those same "embellishments". People like you and me, in my opinion, not more than a third of users. So, the developers are focused on the needs of the majority.

For you it's JUST, while I have a deposit with six zeros, which I almost lost because of this "JUST" glitch!

I am sorry. What if your broker suddenly went bankrupt and your money would be burned without any glitches ?

There are dangers and risks everywhere. Our job is to localise them and eliminate them, rather than blame each other.

By the way, may I ask what kind of Expert Advisor is this that can easily, because of the lack of confirmation, DELETE a deposit?


Good afternoon!


Is it so hard to test it?

Why so much noise.

First, you have to take reasonable risks in transactions (a small percentage of the deposit).

Secondly, we have Service Desk - report them in case of errors.

These are not just words. Since I have been working on the exchange, about two months ago, I have several times found some errors. Once I might have even lost a little - just noticed it in time. But after negotiating with the broker and sending me a request to servicedesk it was solved.

I don't see any problem here.

I'm even pleased that they fix errors quickly.

I will repeat myself with the algorithm - broker - servysdesk, not shouting at MQ progers on the forum.



Well, no need to make a fuss...

Well, the developers haven't checked their code...

Nonsense, of course.... No big deal.

It's no big deal. What do you say when your Expert Advisor brings your deposit to zero?

You probably have no idea what happened!!!

Please read papaklass's post carefully!


What else do you need?

What is wrong with the picture?

Or do you think I drew the server's answers myself?

If everything was normal, the server would have returned two more messages (try to guess which ones....).

But they WERE NOT!

As papaklass pointed out, there are underlying principles of the platform, and the work of EAs DEFINITELY depends on them.

Laryx, of course you can ask about EAs, but you can't get an answer....


What else do you need?

full text logs of the terminal logs for the time period you are considering