Developers! Do you even test what you create? - page 2


Please, so what?

It doesn't even reflect that a transaction has taken place!


Please, so what?

It doesn't even reflect that a transaction took place!

Right click on the log --> Open --> archive everything and into Service Desk.

Two logs: Experts and Logbook


Please, so what?

It doesn't even reflect that a transaction has taken place!

The picture is used by healers to heal.

Laryx, of course you can ask about the advisor, but you can't get an answer....

Not even to give a reason why the advisor might for lack of confirmation of operations LOSE a deposit ???

Well... You're the boss... Don't tell me.


Dear Sirs!

I contacted SERVISDEXK at once.

The purpose of publishing my message is not for someone to "heal" from a photo, but for traders to be aware that there is such a BORRUPT ERROR.

that traders should be aware that there is such a GREAT ERROR.


to keep traders in mind that there is such a BIG mistake.

instead of helping you, you did something that you don't understand.

You gave some scraps of photos

and tell the traders to look at them.

what will they see?

provide the proof in full text form.


sergeev, I am not going to prove anything to anyone!

Whoever needs to, will understand everything from my first post.


sergeev, I am not going to prove anything to anyone!

Whoever needs it will understand everything from my first post.

Why prove it? Why argue? Why shout?

Send everything to servicedesk right away? That's fine. They're smart enough to fix it. Why did you have to make a big deal out of it here? Why did you bring your shouting into the community? To show emotion? Did you think we were going to have a Maidan here?

Were you trying to warn me? Do you think a benevolent warning to your colleagues looks like this? "Developers! Do you even test what you create?"

It's like this: "Found an error in the terminal, the occurrence of which may lead to a loss of funds, if ... и ... etc... и ... etc. ... I sent a message to Service Desk about this error, all logs attached, ticket request so-and-so. This is enough.

That way you warn the community and bring the problem to the developers' attention.

And what you have arranged is noise and shouting. You are an adult.

Общайтесь с разработчиками через Сервисдеск!
Общайтесь с разработчиками через Сервисдеск!
Ваше сообщение сразу станет доступно нашим отделам тестирования, технической поддержки и разработчикам торговой платформы.


Of course, the post should have been titled like this:

"How GOOD the developers are for not testing their product".

Next time I'll write it that way.

It wasn't me, it was the users who commented further,

I was only responding to messages.

If I could, I wouldn't be shouting, I would be yelling at the top of my lungs!!!



Be kinder.