Developers! Do you even test what you create? - page 16

Testing. And we've been doing it publicly for thirteen years.

You have faced usual problem of old programs not strongly adapted to Windows 8. That is, the problem is with the operating system's security. Yes, Microsoft in Windows 8 has really put everyone up against the wall and no longer allows you to write and store data wherever you want.

To solve such problems, we release the new MetaTrader 4, which uses a modern data storage model, as it is done in MetaTrader 5.

You reason, criticise and give advice to developers, but you do not know the basic rules of Windows security. That's it, the operating system does not give you any more rights to write to Program Files. The recommended storage location is in AppData only.

If you are working in normal mode, everything is fine - all data is in place and working directories are available in File -> Open Data Directory.

If it's your DLL, just recompile it in 64 bit mode.

You don't need to bang your head against the wall and pretend that 32 bit libraries can or should work in 64 bit programs. It has already been explained to you on a neighbouring forum but you go on pretending not to understand it.

Unfortunately, you have described your delusions in detail. Ostensibly the words of a programmer (DLLs, directories, programs), but you really don't know the basics.

Because those are Microsoft's rules (yes, that's right). With the release of Windows 8, pretty much either do as Microsoft says or set your clients up for write bans.

For those who want to keep working files in their directory, there is the /portable switch.

No, it's technically impossible in principle (without fanaticism). It is 64-bit libraries that we need.

Usual programs easily make 64-bit versions too. Where did you come up with this problem?

When we want to ruin our business, then yes - move to C#. It will be just the perfect method.

So that you don't have problems, use MQL4/MQL5 - they work like C# and will automatically dock to 32 and 64 bit native code at runtime.

I wrote that I installed MT5 not in Program Files but in a separate folder on C drive. Why did the installer put everything in C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal anyway? If I placed it in Program Files, it would be understandable and logical, but I deliberately placed it not in system directory to avoid such a problem.

I understand about deinstallation of MT4. I know you're re-doing something and I hope that you will fix this problem. However, if you do the same trick with MT4 uninstallation as with MT5, that is, everything will be removed into hidden folders - it will be a continuation of the idiocy imposed by Microsoft, the reason for which is very deep in fact. It's a conflict between blacks and whites. They have a lot of black programmers, which are young souls for whom the time stream is twice as slow as for whites. So whites have to run into borderline inhibitory currents on the subconscious and anything that borders on the consciousness of young souls. Separation of anything has never led to order and optimality. And dividing into different folders, all the more into hidden folders, is anti-progress in fact and "world practice" will have problems from this "divide and conquer" for a long time to come.

That I don't know the basic rules of Windows security - what does that have to do with me at all. I'm the only user of a computer and I didn't pay for Windows to have spy games foisted on me, and to be deprived of freedom and slowed down at every turn by the fact that I don't know what to do with it. By and large it's not security, it's just the danger from underdeveloped Microsoft. The harm from viruses is much less than from their solutions, which are the biggest virus.

About 64-bit systems and DLL's - I don't know about it and asked if it is possible not to divide them all again and make them universal. If it is impossible, then for us who are poorly trained in the subtleties of systems and programming, of course we need examples and descriptions of how to do it. You promised to write a new article on DLL - that would be great. It's not about unwillingness to master it; I'm working on improvements and trading from morning till night, practically without days off. The task of successful break-even trading on currency markets greatly exceeds intellectual development of even a very smart person and there is almost no time left for getting acquainted with all these bit developments and sorting out other people's defects.

I switched to Windows 8 from 32 bit 7 which worked fine. It's just that when buying a new computer, I was told by the salesman that Windows 8, the faster one. So I signed up for it and didn't expect to have many problems. Yes, this Windows 8 is generally not bad, and in some ways even very good. But somehow in life everything is arranged in such a way that as soon as something good is done, something bad will be found, like this notorious securité.

I understand what about C#. Although if there were a terminal with C# it would be much easier for us users. But we have to tolerate and adapt and slow down from the problems of software developers themselves.


Admit it publicly, when did you get off Windowx XP?

Couldn't stand it, it has to be saved...

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

Developers! Do you even test what you create?

ANG3110, 2013.12.25 23:11

I wrote that I installed MT5 not in Program Files, but in a separate folder on my C drive. Why did the installer put everything in C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal anyway? If I placed it in Program Files, it would be understandable and logical, but I deliberately placed it not in system directory to avoid such a problem.

I understand about deinstallation of MT4. I know you're re-doing something and I hope that you will fix this problem. However, if you do the same trick with MT4 uninstallation as with MT5, that is, everything will be removed into hidden folders - it will be a continuation of the idiocy imposed by Microsoft, the reason for which is very deep in fact. It's a conflict between blacks and whites. They have a lot of black programmers, which are young souls for whom the time stream is twice as slow as for whites. So whites have to run into borderline inhibitory currents on the subconscious and anything that borders on the consciousness of young souls. Separation of anything has never led to order and optimality. And dividing into different folders, all the more into hidden folders, is anti-progress in fact, and the "world practice" will have problems from this "divide and rule" for a long time to come.

That I don't know the basic rules of Windows security - what does that have to do with me at all. I'm the only user of a computer and I didn't pay for Windows to have spy games foisted on me, and to be deprived of freedom and slowed down at every turn by the fact that I don't know what to do with it. By and large it's not security, it's just the danger from underdeveloped Microsoft. The harm from viruses is much less than from their solutions, which are the biggest virus.

About 64-bit systems and DLL's - I don't know about it and asked if it is possible not to divide them all again and make them universal. If it is impossible, then for us who are poorly trained in the subtleties of systems and programming, of course we need examples and descriptions of how to do it. You promised to write a new article on DLL - that would be great. It's not about unwillingness to master it; I'm working on improvements and trading from morning till night, practically without days off. The task of successful break-even trading on currency markets greatly exceeds intellectual development of even a very smart person and there is almost no time left for getting acquainted with all these bit developments and sorting out other people's defects.

I switched to Windows 8 from 32 bit 7 which worked fine. It's just that when buying a new computer, I was told by the salesman that Windows 8, the faster one. So I signed up for it and didn't expect there to be many problems. Yes, this Windows 8 is generally not bad, and in some ways even very good. But for some reason everything in life is arranged in such way that just when something good is done something bad will appear, like this notorious securite.

I understand what about C#. Although if we had a terminal with C# it would be much easier for our users. But we have to tolerate and adapt and get slowed down by the problems of the software creators themselves.


Admit it publicly, when did you get off Windowx XP?

Yeah, about two years ago. I was running on 32 bit 7 before buying a new computer recently and installing W8 and everything was fine.

Oh, and one more thing. When I speak about C#, I mean DLLs first of all. There are a lot of good and convenient optimization, neural network and other libraries on the Internet, which I would like to connect to the terminal. Libraries like Alglib are not designed for stochastic processes and methods. And work with constantly changing time series is all stochastic. For C# DLL's it is difficult to use methods like Unmanaged because then you need to rewrite the internals and there is often no such a possibility. This is a bare DLL with function descriptions and application examples. And it is easier to make something in C# as an application and write it in a DLL, than to bother with a bunch of additional files and functions in C++. And Wrapper methods are cumbersome, time consuming and they reduce speed of DLL. Terminal itself still operates normally on mql5, and everything is comfortable enough. If we could provide easy connection of C# DLL directly to it, that would be perfect.


As for C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal. It seems that Microsoft wants Microsoft to occupy 99.9% of space all over the world and is ready to provide 0.1% of it as hidden reservations for the rest of the people. It's good that it concerns only Program Files for now. However, I installed MT5 not to Program Files, but to a separate folder on C drive. Anyway, the MT5 installer has stuffed everything in hidden folders.

If I downloaded something from Code Base not through the terminal, but by usual way, where should I put it? After all, the terminal and editor don't see these files in directories where the terminal is installed. So, they must be put in the same folders that are hidden from a common user. Absurd. An ordinary user who knows nothing about hidden folders cannot put anything anywhere.

Your last two posts are strikingly different in terms of writing style and expression of thought. Did you copy the first one?

Also. Microsoft is going for an almost forcible attempt to replace C++ with C# as the main programming language. In the last VS2013 they even removed the possibility to set work with forms and on the forum the question "why?" is answered with the question "why don't you try using a more perfect C#? Then it turns out that in the long run, C++ may go to the 2nd place or be gone altogether. Is the new terminal supposed to be made with C# as the basis of the language?

C++ in Visual Studio 2013 or why switch to it?

How to create Windows Forms in Visual Studio 2013

C++ в Visual Studio 2013 или зачем на нее переходить?
C++ в Visual Studio 2013 или зачем на нее переходить?
  • 2013.12.02
  • Maxim Shulga (aka MaxBeard)
Зачем переходить на VS 2013 C++ разработчику? Этот вопрос, я думаю, возникал у многих. За долгое время привыкшие к, мягко говоря, нечастым релизам студии, разработчики за год получили 5!! релизов (2012, U1,2,3,2013). И это не считая VS 2012 U4, который сделали для тех, кто не может позволить перейти на 2013 прямо сейчас (по финансовым или...

C++ in Visual Studio 2013 or why switch to it?

Yep, plus the latest C++ standard with lots of goodies. Nah, nothing against Sharp, but ...
Your last two posts are strikingly different in terms of writing style and expression of thought. Was the first one copied?
Yes the first one I wrote as if from the skin of a mere user, deliberately understating the perception. The penultimate, I wrote what really interests me, and then I got tired and added specifics, what worries me at the moment. But they differed in meaning like the style of a 10th grader and a beginner's class and so I took it down to a new post and copied the previous one. You are observant.

As for C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal. Microsoft apparently wants Microsoft to take up 99.9% of the world's space and is willing to give 0.1% to the rest of the people as hidden reservations. It's good that this only concerns Program Files for now.

Hopefully MQ will eventually release their OS and we will finally get rid of