I have been charged, where do I find out what for? - page 37

Don't give me biblical fiction and philosophy. In life, every person can be both a customer (consumer) and a doer or seller.

What does fiction and philosophy have to do with it?


Like a lot of other things going on...

Here you are in the position of offended and right customers. And what is your position as a doer and seller? At least be honest with yourselves. I live in this world and I see, I know what everyone (or most people) are like as doers or sellers. So do not give me false morals.

Do you want to see my correspondence with customers? No problem - if I had an offer and a desire to read 20 pages of footnotes. As I do, I talk about it.

I agree - there are others. As many people as there are opinions.

I think that ifTheXpert says it can be done, it can be done. And there's no surprise.
Nah, looks like I was wrong.

What has fiction and philosophy got to do with it?

Read the quoted message to the end. It is two sentences long and the second sentence explains "in what way".
Nah, looks like I was wrong.

Shit, 5 quid again from the cook?


Read the quoted message to the end. It is of two sentences and the second sentence explains "under which".

I've finished reading it.

If you can still somehow stretch philosophy by saying "you're being philosophical here", you can't stretch fiction.


I've finished reading it.

If you can still somehow pull off philosophy by saying "you're being philosophical here", there's no way to pull off fiction.

no,more like a detective.... find out who's to blame...
Here we go Friday ))

I've finished reading it.

If you can still somehow pull off philosophy by saying "you're being philosophical here", there's no way to pull off fiction.

It's called trolling. You don't have to go into petty detail. The question on the agenda is "what am I (you, he, she, they, all of them) like as a doer and seller? А? Only honestly? Are all saints angels?

Shit, is it five quid again from the cook?

Nah, nothing changes, a performer who first agrees to do the job, then reads the assignment, should be staked.

Both parties should be financially responsible.