I have been charged, where do I find out what for? - page 31

By the way kylinar2012 earned $8 thanks to this thread, that is, he recouped his expenses and even left on the 3 $ in profit!
Not all 400 posts in this thread)
Z.I. By the way kylinar2012 through this thread has already earned $ 8, that is, recouped its costs and even at $ 3 left in the plus!

What's he got to do with continually rebuking him for something he had nothing to do with?

Firstly, the thread was created to discuss a very specific "weirdness" of the service.

Secondly, there are fewer posts in the whole thread than his rating points.


I think you can sue for any amount, for any breach of justice and any damages, including any consequential damages such as moral damages. Ask a lawyer for details if you want, it's all solvable usually.

Regarding the rules of local arbitration, they can obviously be appealed to higher courts, because there are state laws that apply to all and protect consumers of goods and services, regardless of what rules the seller himself invented services.

"I think".

You sue for a start.

Any court proceeding is, at a minimum, wasted time. At the most it is a waste of time. Too much time wasted..

How much time are you personally prepared to spend for $5 ?


I think you can sue for any amount, for any breach of justice and any damages, including any consequential damages such as moral damages. Ask a solicitor for details if you want, it's all solvable usually.

Regarding the rules of local arbitration, they can obviously be appealed to higher courts, because there are state laws that apply to all and protect consumers of goods and services, regardless of what rules the seller himself invented services.

Suing in court of general jurisdiction is NOT! I do not need to go to a lawyer to find out. I have enough experience in law. If you want I will describe in detail (with reference to the law) in a new thread why there is no protection of the rights of all participants, except for the owners of the resource. But I won't participate in the discussion there lest I be seen as the "bucksmith in this forum", but I'm afraid the resource owners won't let me do it, because the truth is very different from the wrapper.
It is NOT OK to sue in a court of law! I don't need to go to a lawyer to find out. I have enough legal experience of my own. If you want I will describe in detail (with reference to the law) in a new thread why there is no protection of the rights of all participants, except for the owners of the resource.
I do not know where you got the idea that a citizen has no right to assert their legal rights in court. In this case, there is a specific transaction of buying and selling services. It is a different matter how to properly formalize it legally and file it in the right court. The protection of consumer rights is guaranteed by the relevant law of the state.

Any trial is at least a waste of time. And at most... too much time wasted.

How much time are you personally prepared to spend for $5 ?

There may be a representative action because there may be several victims. The amount of direct damages is small, but the consequential damages can be much higher. It is clear that the trial takes time, but on the other hand the defendant will have to spend the same time to justify in court the adequacy of his actions, and there are some problems with that in this case.
I don't know where you got the idea that a citizen does not have the right to assert his legal rights in court. In this case, there is a specific transaction involving the sale and purchase of services. It is a different matter how to properly formalize it legally and submit it to the right court. The protection of consumer rights is guaranteed by the relevant law of the state.
Read the section on jurisdiction in the Code of Civil Procedure of the RF, in particular, contractual jurisdiction. In this case it is local arbitration, which is not subject to appeal. And there's a whole bunch more. But I have outlined the basics.
In this version, they are from what date?

The previous version of the rules can be found on search engines in saved copies, e.g. on Bing a copy from 02.12.2013.

Read the jurisdiction section of the Code of Civil Procedure, in particular contractual jurisdiction. In this case it is local arbitration, which is not subject to appeal. And there's a lot more. But I have laid out the basics.

Read carefully Article 32 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the RF on contractual jurisdiction, it does not contain what you claim. http://www.zakonrf.info/gpk/32/

Статья 32 ГПК РФ. Договорная подсудность
  • www.zakonrf.info
Стороны могут по соглашению между собой изменить территориальную подсудность для данного дела до принятия его судом к своему производству. Подсудность, установленная статьями 26, 27 и 30 настоящего Кодекса, не может быть изменена соглашением сторон.

The previous version of the rules can be found on search engines in saved copies, e.g. on Bing a copy from 02.12.2013.

Not quite sure how to do this, can you drop a link?