Why have subscriptions been banned on the grounds of "too high a yield" ? - page 51

If your BuyLimit is activated at Bid price, then the second side of the trade must sell at Ask price?
spread for markdowns. Suppose I placed a buy limit inside the 1-lot spread. This is the highest bid. You want to sell one lot on the market. You accept my offer and sell my limit bid. Thus, you have sold on the market at the bid at the best price. The broker gets a commission from both you and me.
On the exchange, the buy limit will be filled at the bid because it is a limit
spread for marquee bids. Suppose I have placed a buy limit inside the 1 lot spread. This is the highest bid. You want to sell one lot on the market. You accept my offer and sell my limit bid. Thus, you have sold on the market at the bid at the best price. The broker gets a commission from both you and me.
On the exchange, the buy limit will be at the bid, because it's a limit
it's no use arguing with them, i argued with them a long time ago)
Отложенные ордера типа BuyLimit и SellLimit
  • 2012.03.06
  • sanyooooook
  • forum.alpari.ru
Скажите по какой цене исполняются данные ордера и по какой причине?
spread for marquee bids. Suppose I have placed a buy limit inside the 1 lot spread. This is the highest bid. You want to sell one lot on the market. You accept my offer and sell my limit bid. Thus, you have sold on the market at the bid at the highest price. The broker gets a commission from both you and me.
On the exchange, the buy limit will be executed at the bid because it is the limit
In any case, the bid cannot go below the buy limit without activating it. Asc at that point in time, it might be up north at all.
It's no use arguing with them. I argued with them a long time ago.)

In short, crooks.



In short, crooks.


MK friendly broker )
Today I asked alps at what price the buy limit will be executed. They say it's on the ask. It's on the USN. Tired of arguing with them. They claim the bid will be able to go below it without activating it. As long as the asc doesn't touch it. So much for ECN.

Under the guise of ECN they are now selling whatever they can get their hands on (most often a stupid STP).

It is difficult to find fault: "ECN" (as abbreviation) is Electronic Communications Network - this name as though does not assert presence of matching. Presence (or rather absence) of matching is more often mentioned at such brokers.

// I have never met a broker with matchmaking which does not explicitly (and most often in the very first lines) describe its presence in the terms and conditions ("bringing clients together in a tumbler").

That's why matchmaking needs to be tested independently. One great possibility is to run an expert(s) on the demo accounts of this broker to which this thread is dedicated. That way you can get comprehensive information not only about the availability of matchmaking, but also about its quality.

For example there may be bugs of this sort: limiters are placed inside the cup and they are hit correctly (without gaps) by markets, but takeprofit (if it is less than spread) is not visible in the cup (and it should be visible as it is a limiters).This kind of glitches, for example, had both brokers on which this EA was running. If there are a lot of them - the broker should probably be changed if the technical support is unable or unwilling to fix it.


Under the guise of ECN they are now selling whatever they can get their hands on (most often a blunt STP).

ECN" (as an abbreviation) is Electronic Communications Network - this name does not seem to state the presence of matching. The presence (or rather absence) of matching is most often concealed at such brokers.

// I have never met a broker with Matching, which does not explicitly (and most often in the first few lines) describe its availability ("bringing clients together in a tumbler") in the terms and conditions description.

That's why matchmaking needs to be tested independently. One of the great possibilities is to run an EA(s) on demo accounts of that broker to which this thread is dedicated. That way you can get comprehensive information not only about the availability of matchmaking, but also about its quality.

For example such bugs are possible: a Limit order is placed inside the stack and is correctly (without "gaps") beaten by trades, but its TakeProfit (if it is less than spread) is not visible in the stack (and it should be visible, because it, in its turn, is a Limit order).For example, this kind of glitches occurred at both brokers on which this EA was running. If there are many of them - the broker should probably be changed if technical support is unable or unwilling to fix it.

Just checked with us. I set buy limit inside spread with take profit inside spread. Bid pulled up to the limit.

I smoothed it with opposite sell marker, Bid pulled back and Asc pulled to TP level.

What is the bug or how did you reproduce it?

It's not working for me.


Maybe by bug you mean that it seems that the TA is not immediately reflected in the glass, but only with a new update? This may not be a bug, but a feature. But in general, I would like to be more specific.


Just checked with us. Put a buy limit inside the spread with a take profit inside the spread. Bid pulled up to the limit.

Smoothed by counter Sell mark, Bid pulled back and Asc pulled to the TP level.

What is the bug or how did you reproduce it?

I don't have it working.

It is unlikely to be caught on a single trade. Try to run a bunch of experts discussed. In our case the bug appeared 1-5% of the time (depending on time of day and God knows what else). In our expert it is overcome by modifying Take Profit, but it does not always work reliably, so the permutation is looped (to result).


This bug was reported to your tech guys during debugging by hrenfx, so if it can't be reproduced, it means they've beaten it.


Maybe by bug you mean that it seems that the TA is not immediately reflected in the glass, but only with a new update? This may not be a bug, but a feature. But in general, I would like to be more specific.

I don't know exactly.

It is important that the reaction to limit (take profit) appearing in the pick window is at least slowed down (lag, if it is unknown to me). Which, to put it mildly, is not very good for HFT.