Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 97

I've read your posts on that forum, Yuri. But I still stand by my opinion that cryptocurrency should be decentralized.

I can't say anything about the rest, life will tell. I am in favour of cryptocurrency competition.)

In principle, it is not that difficult to build a decentralised system from a centralised one at the moment. You can take any popular noSQL, like MongoDB or Apache Cassandra and put transaction database there. And this stuff will fly, because noSQL applies uniform distribution of information in clusters with some redundancy, but not as in bits, until you synchronize the whole database on the client, it won't work.

The problem is that bitcoin has an infrastructure of suckers and scammers. Lokers simply rewrite bitcoin source code, i.e. they change port, protocol number, change speed of mining, etc. i.e. it takes 15 - 20 minutes of work + small change in client design and start all that stuff in circulation. They need it to make coins for themselves, just like Satoshi, and then throw a nibbled bone to suckers. Loots catch on, and as long as mining is not too hard, fork will live a while. Then it will die.

But the point is, the suckers don't solve the problems that bitcoin has in its software, i.e. they don't think about how to improve replication of the base, or how to do intranet distributed calculations for mining without external pools, because they don't need it - they are interested in the sucker.

But sooner or later will get together normal developers with sensible ideas, and will make a decent cryptocurrency software with modern IT technologies, instead of hastily assembled pieces of other people's code, like Satoshi did. Bitcoin will then simply die because it will not be able to compete.

So, slowly and little by little, the project can be finalized and sooner or later it will reach the appropriate level. Therefore, I have made a working version of the project, albeit still centralized, but already solving a number of problems that bitcoin has. Then I will add noSQL. Then maybe someone else will join in. And things will go. Moscow was not built in a day.

Don't go here, go there, or you'll get snow on your head (c)

Oh, Yura. You shouldn't have told the whole story.

Either you will be banned or the branch will be cleaned up.

If this thread hangs in the top on Mql for the second month, it means someone needs it.

Andryusha there just a moderator working off)).

Don't go here, go there, or you'll get snow on your head (c)
...Here's a robbery already))))


But sooner or later, normal developers with sensible ideas will get together and make decent cryptocurrency software with modern IT technologies, not hastily assembled pieces of other people's code, like Satoshi did.

I am waiting for that moment.

Because that's the thing


Not like in bitcoins, until you sync the whole base on the client, it won't work.

in the bitcoin is a bit tense.


In bitcoin, it's a hassle.

An opensource client is being developed that only downloads the right blocks, not the whole base

It's called Reshetov, and he's laid everything out.


There, there, that's good)

And competition is always a good thing :)


Competition will soon come to an end.

And how does Russian law control this situation?


And how does Russian law control this situation?

What difference does it make? )))

And how does Russian law control this situation?

See khana to bitcoin

There are plenty of people who want to make money off bitcoin addicts among the lobbyists for Russian legislation.

хана биткоину
Вредители очередную вредительскую идею обсуждают... (Сразу обещают инновационное развитие, а потом делают все наоборот - причем довольно оригинально - вроде бы и инет для всех доступен будет, да толку от него не будет) Если уж так хотят содрать дополнительные деньги на развитие сетей - то драть надо налоги с тех у кого нет инета вообще - что...