Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 126


I did some simple calculations. In short, I have 6,000 more subscribers on top of my 2,000.

I tried to trade on Lite today, it was too weird ) I like it when I open but when I close... It's a nightmare.

It's a bit like running in a garden between seedbeds with a herd of horses following you at random )

And the number of subscribers is growing :)


Guys, if a branch is still needed, let's make a deal.

- Discuss the stated topic "Bitcoins etc." in the branch.

- All mentions of Andrei's signal are transferred to his personal/news/branch of the signal itself.


Guys, if a branch is still needed, let's make a deal.

- Discuss the stated topic "Bitcoins etc." in the branch.

- All mentions of Andrey's signal are transferred to his personal/news/whatever branch of the signal itself.

You're crowding the thread, sir.

The signal's free, there's no way to advertise.

Discussing the number of subscribers doesn't contradict anything.


Guys, if a branch is still needed, let's make a deal.

- Discuss the stated topic "Bitcoins, etc." in the branch.

- All mentions of Andrey's signal should be moved to his personal/news/whatever branch of the signal itself.

Who bothers to discuss the signal with bitcoin trading demonstration in the bitcoin thread?

Or is it something personal?


- All mentions of Andrey's signal should be transferred to his personal/news/whatever branch of the signal itself.

1 The signal is free, I even shared it just for fun.

2 There's not much point in me promoting him

3 I mention it without any links and don't even send anyone to my profile or anything like that. Not only that, the signal has been used to reveal the normal vulnerability of signals.

So, what's the problem?

You could consider any mentioning of my trading something there as signal advertising.

By the way there is quite a bit of flubbing here and would be more grateful for a cleanup of posts from Reshetov, from whom there were obvious insults and _Infinity among other things.


By the way, there's not much flooding here and I'd be more grateful to Reshetov for cleaning up the posts, from whom _Infinity was clearly insulted as well.

I've cleaned up everything I could from the flooding, including _Infinity's insults, which you've seen for yourself.


I've cleaned up everything I could, including _Infinity's insults, which you've seen for yourself.

Thanks, I didn't. I just saw it now when I was scrolling through the thread.
Bitcoin разберут в сенате
Bitcoin разберут в сенате
  • 2013.11.12
  • Александр Орлов
Сенат США рассмотрит вопрос об опасности Bitcoin для национальной экономики. Тем временем курс криптовалюты по отношению к доллару продолжает устанавливать исторические рекорды. Однако эксперты предупреждают: рост стоимости Bitcoin заранее ограничен самой системой. Специальная комиссия сената в сфере государственной безопасности конгресса США...
The scary thing will be if they ban transactions within the US and start shutting down exchanges and start-ups there. In the meantime, we can put our faith in the news.

Настанет момент, когда курс BTC достигнет своего пика и людям будет экономически нецелесообразно участвовать в работе системы. Поэтому структура Bitcoin изменится

more on that point