Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 328


the only explanation of the sha-256 function that I understand a little )

ДНЕВНИК СТУДЕНТКИ: Что за чудо дивное эта функция SHA-256?
ДНЕВНИК СТУДЕНТКИ: Что за чудо дивное эта функция SHA-256?
  • @studentka
Попытаюсь изложить свое понимание на уровне новичка простыми словами. SHA-256 принадлежит к семейству алгоритмов SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm Version 2). Я вот до этого дня не знала, что у алгоритмов есть семейства. По-моему это прикольно :) SHA-256 однонаправленная хеш-функция. Заглянув в википедию, я выяснила, что однонаправленная (или...
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I can't remember the 20 bits I sold for $500, it makes me sick.)

Imagine if I had sold $20,000 when it was now $400,000, I would be spinning on various proffeselas)).

Lenar Timergalin:

Imagine if you had sold when the $20,000 was now $400,000, and you'd be spinning on the stock exchanges by now.))

There is no way it could have happened, because it didn't.)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

There's no way it could have happened, because it didn't )

We should invent a time machine))

Lenar Timergalin:

We should invent a time machine))

working on it %)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

working on it %)

What you need, I can connect to the development, and give myself the whole thing)


About 500K USD were stolen from a Japanese exchange the other day. It seems to be hackers, but who knows what was really there, maybe hackers are named as a excuse. And that's while all money is not from miners, but from those who tried to use crypto. Yes differently, some for earning and some for calculations. But I think those who had their accounts zeroed out didn't have any confidence in crypto.

Sounds like another nail in the coffin...

Victor Ziborov:

Bitcoin looks something like this:

Notice the date 1501 on it?

It looks like the project has been running for a long time.

Konstantin Nikitin:

About 500K USD were stolen from a Japanese exchange the other day. It seems to be hackers, but who knows what was really there, maybe hackers are named as a excuse. And that's while all money is not from miners, but from those who tried to use crypto. Yes differently, some for earning and some for calculations. But I think those who had their accounts zeroed out had no confidence in crypto.

Sounds like another nail in the lid...

The next day they promised to compensate for all losses, and they were compensated in full.

This generates not mistrust in crypto, but mistrust in a particular exchange.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The next day they promised to compensate for all the losses, and they were compensated in full.

This generates not mistrust in crypto, but mistrust in a particular exchange.

It does not matter whether they compensate or not. What matters is the fact. And who can guarantee that this will not happen on other exchanges.

So, as usual, the stick has two ends.