Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 326

i got it in the end, because of this "ambush" (well, as an ambush, i could earn big money on it, at the best moment the subscribers' deals by volume were ~4 times bigger than mine) with overflow subscribers tried to open less often and only in the thick stack. and i lost it on the bitcoin itself.

You know, the triangular arbitrators were doing pretty good out there.

I've been there since I made such arbitrage on the exchange itself, about $800 more withdrawn

ZS: yeah, there was a time


more and more often I think of sawing my own mini bitcoin exchange )

where to start?

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

where to start?

Judging from other exchanges, with reliability )
judging by other exchanges, with reliability ) )



and how much does an mt4 terminal cost?

Hs6 they seem to offer a ready-made model only to connect to an exchange of some kind

ZSY: but this is fantasy

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

how much is the mt4 terminal worth?

Judging by recent reports of its support and sale, it might make sense to ask nicely and you'll get it for good behaviour)

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

SZS6 they seem to offer a ready-made model only to connect to an exchange of some kind

Make a bridge MT5 to exchanges (at least to one), at least the same (ECN with an exchange as STP) as there is for MT4, and you will be happy


Just thinking out loud...
It's been on my mind for a long time that this whole mess with bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies. It is beneficial for the states themselves, as a means of withdrawal from the market at least a little extra cash, which has already inflated the bubble quite well.
It's entirely possible that some cryptos will be inflated further to lure rabbits. But in the end it will all die out.
As a result, the load on the bubble will weaken, which will give an opportunity to inflate it a little again for support. And at the same time no one is responsible to those rabbits who will not have time to disperse and lose their money.

Of course, it's possible that it's not like that at all, but it's very shaky with cryptos.

Konstantin Nikitin:

Just thinking out loud...

And in fact, few have failed to notice that blockchain technology is like Time - "...Consistent and irreversible"!


What is a bitcoin? Physically, what does it look like?

Bitcoin looks something like this: