Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 152


The higher Bitcoin rises, the more often exchanges are hacked. You can ask the classic question "who benefits from this?" time and time again, but the answer is all too obvious - "everyone except exchange customers". A few thousand, or at least hundreds of bitcoins is too tidbit to avoid the temptation...
This time, the victim of hackers was the Polish, which traded BTC and LTC. The hackers cleaned out both wallets. The amount stolen has not been published. However, the amount traded on this exchange was not large, 199.71 BTC for a month and 540.48 BTC for six months.

The theft took place on 18 November and trading on the exchange has now been closed. The owner of the exchange, Mariusz Pilas, apologised to the users and promised to return the money. A criminal case has been opened by the Department of Economic Crime of the city of Olsztyn, where the exchange is registered. However, the legal status of cryptocurrencies in Poland has yet to be determined. A document signed in July by Polish Finance Minister Wojciech Kowalczyk says that cryptocurrencies cannot be equated to money and that bitcoin transactions are not taxed.

Szanowni Państwo Magnus sp. z o.o. nigdy nie wykluczała zwrotu BTC i LTC lub też ich umownej wartości, Użytkownikom platformy bidextreme. Przestępstwo kradzieży zostało zgłoszone. Wydział do Walki z Przestępczością Gospodarczą Komendy Miejskiej Policji w Olsztynie prowadzi intensywne śledztwo. Szkoda polegająca na kradzieży BTC i LTC została...

The sysadmin probably stole it.

Andrei, is there already an adequate bitcoin wallet with gui ?


Andrei, is there already an adequate bitcoin wallet with gui ?

The standard one is quite adequate. If you don't want to download blocks, you can look for something like lightweight bitcoin client
So the standard one is quite adequate. If you don't want to download blocks, you can look for something like lightweight bitcoin client
I was lazily hoping for your link :)
Coinbase vs Bitcoin-Qt vs Bitcoin Wallet Review – What Is The Difference?
Coinbase vs Bitcoin-Qt vs Bitcoin Wallet Review – What Is The Difference?
  • 2013.08.25
  • Donald McIntyre
Millions of people around the world have heard and are curious about Bitcoin. Many are already using the digital currency and many more are planning to start using it in the near future. But the question everybody asks is: What Bitcoin software or service should I use? Bitcoin-Qt is the original Bitcoin peer-to-peer open source software...

and links to gui software that mines


and links to gui software that mines

Ahaah :) guiminer. But what you do with it I do not know. Do you have an asic? :)
I am for information on the first page. direct links to the websites of software developers, etc.
I am not sure if the video and exchanges alone are not enough.


trading is much more interesting and profitable, or do you want to mine for research purposes?