Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 127


more on that point

It was written by a blonde. Don't bother.
The article was written by a blonde, do not bother.

That's for sure. For example:

"Users make currency transactions directly (P2P), without using an intermediary".

Theoretically, it is possible without intermediaries, if you exchange bitcoins for bitcoins, and even at its own rate, for example: buying bitcoin 0.99 bit, selling bitcoin 1.01 bit. But nobody needs it.

If you want to exchange your bitcoins for something else, you can't do it without intermediaries and more or less trustworthy ones. I'm not even talking about transactions, which, without intermediaries, i.e. miners (who are stocked with asics), even within the system are impossible to execute. And what about the fact that these same miners can reject a transaction, just because they think the fee is too low, it's outrageous.


You can start with the fact that the content of the article does not correspond to the title. Instead of analysis of similar problems presented in the Senate, with predictions for a solution on bitcoins, it's just a kind of education.

It would have been better if Andriukha had written something.

Reshetov: And the fact that these same miners can reject a transaction just because they think the comsa is too low is outrageous.

Transactions without comms go through, they just go through gwadeloupe for about a dozen days.

what do you expect?

it's a tax on the use of the network, if you don't want to pay it, go fuck yourself)


You can start by saying that the content of the article does not correspond to the title. Instead of analyzing similar problems in the Senate, with predictions for a bitcoin solution, it's just a kind of education.

They have nothing to write about. The article is informative -- 4 words -- bitcoin will be discussed in the Senate. THAT'S IT. All the rest is informational crap to make it look like an article and a little educational for those who do not know.


Exactly. For example:

"Users transact currency directly (P2P) without using third party intermediaries"

Well, you're not far off from being a blonde, either. The transaction involves the transmitter, the nodes that distribute the transaction and the miners. The recipient only gives the wallet address.

It's not about exchanging for other perks at all.

As for the exchange... Every exchange is a legal entity. If you're wronged, sue.


More on that one.

Well nonsense, yes.


Transactions without comms go through, just go through the gwadalupa for a dozen days.

what do you want?

it's a tax on the use of the net, if you don't want to pay it go fuck yourself)

And what's the point, for example, compared to strictly centralized WebMoney? We charge a koomsa there and there. But with WebMoney, transactions go through without delay and no miners can reject them.

The only difference is that bitcoin addicts can naively hope for the paranoid pseudo-anonymity that didn't save the elusive Silk Road Joe.

I can anonymise any amount in bits, it's not a problem at all. The important thing is to understand how it works. The rest is a matter of technique, there are a lot of bright brains in the industry.
I can anonymise any amount in bits, it's not a problem at all. The important thing is to understand how it works. The rest is a matter of technique, there are a lot of bright brains in the industry.
The elusive Joe from Silk Road thought the same with his "bright" brains. Now his place is by the crapper.
Now his place is next to the litter box.
You're going to start shouting, banging on the door, shouting, "Help, bullies are taking away your sight!!!" )

And what's the high, for example, compared to strictly centralised WebMoney? They take koomsa there and there. But in WebMoney, transactions go through without delay and no miners can reject them.

well with 2000 in bitcoins that's now 5 btc i will pay 0.001($0.4) bitcoins per transaction

in webmoney $16

Why pay more if you cannot see the difference? )