What's the word on the 2013 championships? - page 5

Aha ) So the sponsor does the thinking, the calculating, the estimating ...
That's what the accountant does. The accountant is motivated by the bouncer. The sponsor is the moron with the money (usually an official or bureaucratic brat). The sponsor's head is only needed to figure out what to eat and how to get laid © Komarov
Yeah ) So the sponsor thinks, counts, calculates ...

You're trolling. I never said sponsor is a brainless sheep, it's just that the world is not flat, every offer has a buyer (or doesn't have one :)

The question is who's making the offer - if it's you or me or you and me, then it will take a lot of effort to convince the sponsor. If MQ, the matter will be easier to solve.


You're trolling. I never said that the sponsor is a brainless sheep, it's just that the world is not flat, every offer has a buyer (or doesn't have one :)

The question is who makes the offer, if you and I, it will take a lot of effort to convince the potential sponsor. If MQ, the matter will be solved more easily.

Show them your calculations. Open their eyes to the effectiveness of investment in the signal box, because they are in the dark and do not know where to put the money.

The only question is who is making the offer, if you, me and I, it will take a lot of effort to convince a potential sponsor. If it's MQ, it'll be easier.

You don't have to convince sponsors, it's a lost cause. All you need to do is tell them where the money is and how they can get it from there. That is, you have to provide a business plan.
So show them, MK, your calculations. Open their eyes to the efficiency of investment in the signal box, because they are in the dark and do not know where to put the money.

I've heard that before, "Well, show them".

So I understand you think that we are on your site and MQ need something to show, and be honest with you: this is a forum MQ, and they see everything read everything, and when they see fit respond.

I think the formula is simple: don't tell people what to do and they won't tell you where to go.)

You do not have to convince sponsors - it's a lost cause. You only need to tell them where the money is and how they can get it out. You need only tell them where the money is, so give them a business plan.



In short, the formula is simple: don't tell people what to do and they won't tell you where to go :)

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

What have you heard about the 2013 Championship?

Urain, 2013.06.18 16:40

We would haveorganized a championship of signals. We will use the Signals Championship - it will help us develop our services and keep the tradition (even if the decision has been made too late for that, there is not enough time to organize it).

But maybe in 14.

In fact, the Championship is the most powerful advertisement, just saying "the Expert Advisor has won X place in the Championship" and the flow of customers is guaranteed, because the Championship is an offline testing in real-time (the very honest testing).

to Renat ...
He has every right to send me away :)
I have the full right to be told to fuck off :)

If you're not interested, you're easy to dismiss.

That is, a bare idea is not enough. What is needed:

  1. A plan for the championship, i.e. how it will be organised: timing, rules, what entry requirements for competitors, conditions for disqualification...
  2. Where will the competition be held? In other words, where can we find the servers and who will maintain them?
  3. How to promote the sponsors: where their banners will be broadcast, where interviews with kitchen representatives and kitchen leaders will be published.
  4. What is the trick and the intrigue, i.e. what will attract the rotund people to the event, so that they do not go off to watch something more interesting? For example, striptease, sweepstakes, smear jokes, etc. etc.
  5. How will events be covered as the play progresses? I.e. we need commentators, some kind of interviews, preferably daily, to keep the attention of the rotund.
  6. ...
  7. How much dough does all this cost? Each cost should be detailed.

But of course, the cry goes out: let's hold the Championships, I'll be in charge of the parade. That's just to tell such a commander to go away.

For example, a trivial situation: two signals were neck and neck, the championship has already ended, the deals are still open for both of them. The question is: who is the winner? The equity is not shown on the signals.

If you don't think through the details, you'll get no championship, but just a big misunderstanding.


Agree that competitions at brokers, not the same. The Championship is three months of AUTHORITY sailing. The Championship has been followed ALL over the world. And broker competitions are an ordinary occurrence.

PS: The representatives of 112 !!! countries were at the last Championship. What broker could have such a representation?

So, it is necessary to bring the brokers here as usual to create a PR campaign and a fund)
So we should bring brokers here as usual and let them PR and create a fund)
The whole point was to put EAs on an independent platform.