Where to start? - page 3


lucky_teapot 2013.05.16 16:15 #

Better to start with the videos. For example:

Introduction to forex trading(_http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4429610 )

Forex for Dummies (_http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4126559 )

Or search for "FOREX" on RuTracker, there are a lot of them.

I'm just starting to "probe" what's what.

I'm just starting to test it out. There's a lot of articles on the site and a simple forex trading robot can be assembled quite quickly in Wizard. IMHO

If you want to use robots it would be good to start studying the basics of AI.

Thanks, I am downloading it. What is AI? I have no idea how to use it so far.

IvanIvanov2013.05.16 17:22#

You are quite systematic, which in itself is unusual and suggestive of your true intentions


1http://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/7334258/ The trading theory itself is controversial, though beautiful, but the stages of trader's development are well described there

2 Each case should be analyzed separately, and for brokers 1.0 it is not a big lot, even if a beginner can withstand a week trend with such a lot, no broker will go broke for 5000-6000$

You'd be surprised, but it's not just individuals, but also public and commercial banks, investment funds, simple Soros, etc... And the fact that people are now pouring into this business in droves American farmers...... who plow fields in summer and trade on the stock market in winter ... well.... soon, amateurs will start to produce stock market talent in the post soviet space as well.

Ahem... The way you build your questions leads me to believe that you are pursuing a slightly different goal than what you stated in your first post.

I'd suggest some kind of research to create an advertising campaign for a broker or school of traders :-)

You will find out what is valuable for us and then we will see the advertising on the net :-) Traders! look what we have.... come and see us.....

Your communication style gives away that you are quite savvy in our affairs... and you're asking such seemingly simple questions.... doesn't add up.....

Ok thanks for the tip on the book, I found in the public domain "TRADING CHAOS - EXPERT METHODOLOGIES MAKING PROFIT [D-R BILL WILLIAMS].pdf", this is supposed to be it.

Regarding 5000-6000$ you mean one-time withdrawal or permanent? I`m interested how much you can withdraw theoretically from one trading center per month if I can imagine my luck? My problem is that I tried to play in online casinos, they do not withdraw money when I win. They have no money, they have faults or something else, but later they told me that it is a strategy of working with clients.

Ihave experience with the MLM schemes, even earned some time in this way, but came out very little, although I understand the structure of the business and know that those who are at the top have a good income. I am interested in the Forex market, is it pure MLM, or clients can still earn? Let's say the bookmaker business, does not encourage any kind of "account", that is, it is OK for them to play purely random, and they cannot "count cards", such dudes are marked and banned. But in forex you can't do that, or can you?

To start with, I would like a simple answer to the question:

"Are there any earning clients who are not associated with promoting organisers?"

I wish you were right soon, on the subject of savvy.

pavel8882013.05.16 18:02#

All as always, a newcomer enters the market, asks a question, and "tough" traders pounce on him, the poor guy is probably shocked by their advice. If I'm wrong now, I will be wrong.

If I am wrong now, please correct me.

1. If you have already decided to do automated trading, first master the MT4 or MT5 terminal, it will not take long, all the information is on this resource.

You also have to study carefully the "psychology of the trader," as you cannot do without it.

You do not need money to start with, you may plummet in virtual accounts at first, the main thing is to understand the concept. You may plunge into the virtual accounts for the first time, the main thing is to understand the sense of it. And about paid courses, of course it's your business, but if you don't feel sorry about the money, you can go there.

Good luck in mastering the coolest business!

Thanks a lot! I'm a little confused, but I think it's temporary. I'm studying MT5! As I understand it is the most promising software.

If i'm not a trader, i can ask for more than 8 gigs of tradtrading books, thats for many lifetimes, i need to know what to read and what to burn.

ns_k2013.05.16 18:08#

Read "Memories of a Stock Speculator.

Thank you. Found an audio version.

Laryx2013.05.16 18:26#

Why would it be "inevitable"? It's the lost money for which you realize you know nothing... In my opinion, it is known without the payment of that money. In my opinion, it's too early to switch to a real account until you "get good hands" on the demo so that the deposit will steadily grow (or, if you're using Expert Advisors, until they give profit on the last 50-200 trades). If you have practiced on the demo, you will not get a big loss, you can stop early.

I don't think so, thank you. During the introductory course I got the same advise to achieve results on demo accounts. I would go back to the drawing board and try it on the real account.

TheXpert2013.05.16 19:16#

You could start with the relatively easiest market -- the cryptocurrency market. Low entry, deep stack and full story.

If you can poke at the materialchik about it, I take it's web money and other e-money? Do they have them in MT5?


If you can point me to the material about it, I understand it's web money and other electronic money? Is there any in MT5?

Look for bitcoin exchange
look for bitcoin exchange

It's all in English... I'm embarrassed, but my English is terrible. I'll try to pull out what I can.

If there is anywhere an article in Russian, simply summarizing the advantages of electronic money trading compared with regular ones, I'd be grateful.

Выставить трейлинг стоп в советнике.
Выставить трейлинг стоп в советнике.
  • www.mql5.com
Здравствуйте, я учусь писать советник и у меня вопрос, как можно выставить уровни стоп лосса и трейлинговать позицию?
Русский Трейдер - Т.Правдюк: Ликбез для начинающих
  • Русский Трейдер
  • www.russian-trader.com
Тарас, спасибо за статью!

It's all in English... I'm embarrassed, but my English is terrible. I'll try to pull out what I can.

If there's a Russian article summarizing the advantages of electronic money trading compared to conventional ones, I'd be grateful.

wikipedia has the basics)


...Про план я собственно и спрашиваю. Хочется его сократить до разумного минимума.

... если не затруднит можно ссылки на литературу и или форумные дискуссии которые по Вашему наиболее репрезентативны по данному вопросу.

I will reply with a quote: "...it is difficult for us today to understand much of what our distant ancestors wrote and did. This is not because we are not 'out of face' or because we have our head in the wrong place. No! There is simply much that we do not know, andit is impossible to understand what we do not know! First you have to learn what you want to understand and only then can you understand what you have learned. There is no other way of understanding. It is possible to believe something or someone without knowing and understanding what you believe.

about the literature, below is a small sampling, it may come in handy.

As for the literature, the following may be useful.

As a milestone, I can suggest that after studying, to consolidate, make your own algorithm and create a simple trading Expert Advisor (by posting it in the "Jobs" section) and get the results, statistics - many things will become clear.

re: AI - artificial intelligence.

pa-uu_ry9u6nl.zip  10263 kb


I will reply with a quote: "...it is difficult for us today to understand much of what our distant ancestors wrote and did. This is not because we are not 'out of face' or because we have our head in the wrong place. No! There is simply much that we do not know, andit is impossible to understand what we do not know!You must first study what you want to understand and only then can you understand what you have studied. There is simply no other way to gain understanding. It is possible to believe something or someone without knowing and understanding what you believe.

about the literature, below is a small sampling, it may come in handy.

As for the literature, the following may be useful.

As a milestone, I can suggest that after studying, to consolidate, make your own algorithm and create a simple trading Expert Advisor (by posting it in the "Jobs" section) and get the results, statistics - many things will become clear.

re: AI - artificial intelligence.

Picture is great)) the hint is clear)

Thank you so much for the selection of books! I made a list for the next months of those, which I was advised at the seminar and here on the forum, and look through tables of contents, in the hope to try to figure out what I am talking about.

Iread about ECN, I understood that it is not cheating model and not a "kitchen":

For ECN trading it is preferable to use the term "difference" (difference, DAB) instead of "spread".DAB means the difference between the bestASK price (Offer) and the bestBID price.DAB is a variable and not fixed value.FXOpen provides quotes directly to ECNs, meaning you see both the BestBID and Best Offer price (ASK) as soon as they are received from our clients or other liquidity providers involved in the liquidity pool. Therefore,FXOpen does not manipulate or add points to theBID andASK prices.

Please clarify if I understand the situation correctly:

The broker has for example 1000 clients, he receives quotes from faraway and transmits them to the clients in their terminals, let's say half of the clients have bought and half have sold, both sides have paid commission to the broker, the money flows from those who failed to guess to those who have guessed, in other words everything may occur inside the server broker. Variant 2, there is an excess of buying or selling or in general all clients bought/sold at the same time, from whom? For example, G. Soros decided to sell some currency, he will be in the same system as me or the clients of the Russian Forex Club? After all, he conducts the transaction through his broker in far away lands, how our brokerage house with theirs combines the transactions? I am not interested in it because of some scientific considerations, but to understand what benefits to whom and where the profits come from. What is the scale of the game. If all this is happening inside one computer with 1000 clients, then it is logical that the broker will not allow to withdraw much profit, because in fact these are his earnings, he probably thinks so ... And if he somehow combines all the orders from around the world, then it's different. But how? Where can I find out?

Anyway, I'm probably not making myself clear, sorry, but the question is:

"Does Soros see my trades and can I buy and sell through my DC?"

Well clearly Soros is taken as just a well-known character, meaning all forex any client anywhere in the world involved in trading who can be the opposite party to whom. Is it one pile or many of them?

And how are these quotes standardised? It is supposed to be a whole pile of all buy and sell orders in the beginning, who collects and distributes them all? There are many brokers, who serves whom and why? I should probably draw a picture, I feel like I'm talking nonsense...

I'm sorry, but I will probably throw in here silly questions, to which I have not found a clear and understandable answer. I just want to present the whole picture and understand what's going on.

P.S. What does artificial intelligence have to do with it? It's not like it has been created yet...

For others who want to speculate, the best price is the criterion of discrimination and the concept of "best price". For others wishing to speculate there is no entry, for them all transactions take place within a DC, a forex broker - representing a bank - a liquidity provider. ECN is a standalone platform much bigger than the computer of one of the many brokerage companies and it is possible to track the volume of trades within the ECN. For the withdrawal - the more "botva" on the bed the easier and more allowed to withdraw, if in the DC most accounts do not exceed 1K and you have entered a lot more, of course "will observe", respectively for each forex broker a different approach. keep your money in the bank.

Ta. .. SoECN is buying/selling between clients of the same broker!? But can the broker himself trade with banks or for example with Mr. Soros? Does it have any relations with other brokers besides receiving quotes from them? And then a reasonable question. How do you make trading without brokerage companies directly with banks? Who else but banks can trade currencies on a par with them? This is a service, equipment, license, how to arrange it, how much does it cost and what are the advantages? Once again I apologize for my probably inappropriate questions. But as you know the worst question not asked ....

I just follow the advice above and try to understand the pitfalls, the first thing that comes to mind when studying this sub.

I still can't grasp the deeper meaning of "best price". And it is very often used.

As if I could understand that the criterion of "good" is to buy that is cheaper, and to sell at a higher price, but with what and mainly for WHOM, it is chosen the best and for whom the worst? For example 10 guys at the same time sent the broker 10 identical applications, and there is only one best in response and the rest worse, who gets it? So logically there should be a discrimination criterion and the concept of "best price" is relative. Or is there not?

Mmmm, I feel it's going to take more than one month of debriefing)))) But the main thing is interesting!


So ECN is buying/selling between clients of the same broker?

not necessarily, there can be more than one.


For example 10 dudes send 10 identical orders to a broker at the same time, and there is only 1 best order in response and the rest are worse, who gets it?

In Forex it is not like in the stock markets. The orders will be executed in any case, even if there is no response - liquidity, as well as credit (leverage) is provided by the bank(s).

The best price is a play on words, because in relation to something, if you look north, it is better and if you look south, it is worse.