Daily returns in forex, what is the target? - page 9

I live in Moscow. I don't remember anyone among my acquaintances who likes him very much.
You must be from a different sample... :-))) I overgeneralised....

I would not be so exaggerated. In my classification an "amateur" is not at all a poorly informed subject, he can be even more informed than a pro, usually it is so, difference in methods of absorption and processing of information, a "pro" remembers only a conceptual framework, That is he memorizes by heart the sequence of symbols, while a pro first grasps by intuition the structure of investigated relationships, which may be associated with anything similar in structure, and then puts this model into symbols, as if he invents it anew. Often his symbolic representation differs from the "classical" one, which enrages the orthodox Batanes, who deep down understand the threat to their authority. Batanes hide behind a facade of complexity. More precisely, not for the complexity, but for their terms which only they know, it gives them a temporary advantage, until they find out what is really hiding behind their florid formulations, as a rule there is nonsense. In general, it is a favorite method of imposing importance and authority, take for example the fashion for Latin terms, and I am silent about the endless family jokes. I have observed many times how an interested bantam can easily explain any twisted gimmick in simple words and everyday associations, with not much more than a word. This is if he is paid for the result and not for the pomp.

In general, Batanes are scribes, they are like chroniclers of antiquity, their purpose is to transcribe and transmit, their craft has nothing to do with innovation. Scribes only write, generals who perform feats may not be able to write.

The problem is that roles have been confused now - scribes think that they are participants in the events they are describing, this is inadequate.

And just the market needs to be understood in great detail, but this does not mean that you have to know all tens of thousands of indicators and experts, read all the interviews and be aware of all the forecasts of analysts, this is an ISPLE content, it just confuses, you need to know the market microstructure, the reasons of price formation, mass-psychology, in general the "sources. And the rest will come with it.

Which subspecies do you belong to?)
You must be from a different sample... :-))) I overgeneralised....
And you must be from another Moscow. Where taxes are paid for you by the state... itself.
You must be from another Moscow. Where the state pays your taxes for you... ...itself.

I guess it's all about the "right" sample. It remains to be seen how to get into that sample :)

Apparently it's written somewhere in the small print that jobs have to be provided for various officials, a total of at least 150.