Daily returns in forex, what is the target? - page 8



In general Batanes are scribes, they are like chroniclers of antiquity, their purpose is to take notes and pass them on, their craft has nothing to do with innovation. Scribes only write, generals who perform feats may not be able to write.

It's rather controversial to say so about bats and scribes, although not without merit. You could say it's a subtle point in Boolean logic mode that can't be solved. In the sense that it is not addressed to the profane who see the situation in black and white.

And in general, such a classification "nerds" and "not-nerds" as I see a dead end, "dumb" since we introduce the slang, first nerds and suckers, what next? Cocksuckers, pahany)))))))) Nah, not the right context for such terminology.

The scientific method is a necessity, not an overkill, much less a 'ponce'. Necessity where necessary, all things being equal. I do not dispute that speculation on the authority of science is not uncommon, and one must be careful here, but this does not mean that the use of scientific terminology is necessarily a sign of such speculation.

Not everyone is gifted to think systematically and to be an inventor, as well as an artist, or in general to stand out from the crowd. Therefore I am not surprised the antagonism of profane people to incomprehensible to them formulations and logic.

You gentlemen confuse psychological side effects and necessity. Flies with cutlets that is.

P.S The question of sabjmaker has provoked an unhealthy response. It is like the proverb "One layman can ask a question that 1000 wise men can not answer" It happens when the question has a lot of responses, it needs to narrow the context if possible.

P.P.S 1000+1 answers for pipsing: if the average for the day for each transaction is higher than all costs (spread, commission, etc.) by at least 10%. For example, if you give 1000 points per day to your brokerage company and 100 points remains, you can wear a crown. Some people talk about 50% of costs, but this is a miracle. In general 0 with a large turnover is also not bad for brokerage companies.


I think on average, taking into account all trades (loss-making ones too) on eurodollar, there should be at least 30 pips per trade on the four digits. This means that if the strategy has 50% of losing trades we should take at least 60 pips, and if we add break-even, it will be 89 pips. In the case of trawl you have to take even more.

Cut the position when the profit is slightly higher than the average for the day.

Based on the strategy, you can limit losses and gains on the deposit. For example, you can stop at increasing or decreasing the deposit by a certain % and not trade on this day.

I agree. Good advice.

He wasn't always a millionaire, but I'm more than sure he was able to get excited about those numbers even back then.

The pindos, for example, are happy to part with their money for years at 6% per annum and consider 8% per annum a great deal of luck....

Yes it is, but do not forget that in Europe the estimated inflation rate is around 3.

Give them at least half of what they actually have in Russia and they will all hang themselves on the first pole.

Even if you accept that inflation will be 6-8%, it is almost pointless to invest under such conditions.


Yes it is, but don't forget that in Europe the estimated inflation rate is around 3.

Give them at least half of what they actually have in Russia and they will all hang from the first pole.

Even if you accept that inflation will be 6-8% it is almost pointless to invest under such conditions.

And in Moscow they give loans for production development at 4% per annum.........

And if you have a business of more than 150 people, all the taxes are paid for you by the region and the city.......

We could never dream of such a thing...

When I heard about it, I understood why they love Putin so much in the centre......

In our hinterland it looks like a fairy tale.... acquaintances have been talking to Moscow acquaintances recently.....


And in Moscow they give loans for the development of production at 4% per annum.........

And if you have a business of more than 150 people, all the taxes are paid for you by the region and the city.......

We could never dream of such a thing...

When I heard about it, I understood why they love Putin so much in the centre......

In our hinterland it looks like a fairy tale.... acquaintances recently talked to Moscow acquaintances.....

Then Moscow must immediately be expanded first to Novosibirsk and then to Vladikavk :)

So that everyone could make a fairy tale come true, and no one would be offended.


Then Moscow must immediately expand first to Novosibirsk, and then to Vladik :)

So that everyone could make their fairytale come true, and no one will be offended.

... And I've been racking my brains - how did my acquaintance open a pipe factory, like not a capitalist..... and did not receive an inheritance....

Then the question arises - where in Moscow does so much money come from....... the whole of Russia is ploughing for them..... but that is another topic...


Then Moscow should immediately expand first to Novosibirsk and then to Vladikavkaz :)

So that everyone would have a fairy tale to tell, and no one would be offended.

Now I think the situation is somewhat different, I took a loan in Moscow at 4%, the money goes to the bank, and the same bank is giving out loans over the Urals at 40% per annum - super profitable.....
IvanIvanov: When I heard about it, I understood why they love Putin so much in the centre......
I live in Moscow. I don't remember anyone among my acquaintances who likes him much.

And in Moscow they give loans for the development of production at 4% per annum.........

And if you have a business of more than 150 people, all the taxes are paid for you by the region and the city.......

We could never dream of such a thing...

And where do the city and the region get the money that they pay in taxes for everyone with more than 150 employees?

I don't believe about 4% either.


And where do the city and the region get the money they pay in taxes for everyone with more than 150 employees?

I don't believe the 4% figure either.

I don't believe it either, but people actually take out loans and take advantage of benefits...