Task: implementation of daily analytics in MQL5 with online display - page 6


"Blogs" for maintaining personal blogs. We can add more sub-sections, including automated publications.

Perhaps it would be better to add "Trader's Diaries" rather than "Blogs", for that matter...

If the target audience is traders, then you should hit the target, I will not run a blog, I will run a diary....

By the way, Gerchik launched a project "Traders' Diaries" .... but there are blogs at.... mush, swamp, I went in a couple of times... it's still online.

Vi wanted to find a link googled "trader's diary"... peep.... clicked a few links and closed my browser like a bad dream.

I hate the blog system, it's hard to understand, the diary should be like a book, at any moment you can turn to the right page, table of contents, bookmarks, screenshots of deals, description of logic, error analysis, the only way of self-improvement for people in general and for traders in particular, is to look at their thoughts from the outside, for example as a text, many can not even imagine the power of this process of self-exploration....

Well..... used to write diaries on paper, well, now on the keyboard.....

It is possible to synchronize the text stream and screenshots of transactions by time

Maybe in 10 years someone will publish a memoir, ready-made texts :-) MQL will mention it on the cover....

analytics is very personalised ... so is coding. That is, posting someone else's analytics without a link to the original is like posting someone else's indicator, changing its name and copyright to your own. You have to either make your own (for a limited community) or use automatic systems (for everyone).
Who says I'm going to post someone else's? I myself have more than 2 years of experience in this field.

By the way yes, publishing templates (template + screenshot) is a much better analytics system, as anyone can download it from the website and see all the indicators, objects etc. And it's good for manual publishing.

So how to see custom indicators by template, indicators used by the analyst...Only standard ones.
Переход на новые рельсы: пользовательские индикаторы в MQL5
Переход на новые рельсы: пользовательские индикаторы в MQL5
  • 2009.11.23
  • Андрей
  • www.mql5.com
Я не буду перечислять все новые возможности и особенности нового терминала и языка. Их действительно много, и некоторые новинки вполне достойны освещения в отдельной статье. Вы не увидите здесь кода, написанного по принципам объектно-ориентированного программирования — это слишком серьезная тема для того, чтобы просто быть упомянутой в контексте как дополнительная вкусность для кодописателей. В этой статье остановимся подробней на индикаторах, их строении, отображении, видах, а также особенностях их написания по сравнению с MQL4.

Cool! Talked a bit, and...?

Is there a result, at least an intermediate one?


Cool! Talked a bit, and...?

Any result, at least an intermediate one?

I guess there is

now the problem is to publish a screenshot on broker's forum (broker's terms and conditions) at the right time

i do not understand how to do it within the standard methods of MT4

can anyone suggest?
There are probably

now the problem is to publish a screenshot on the broker's forum (broker's condition) at the right moment

i do not understand how to do it within the standard methods of MT4

can anyone suggest?

If you have an interest in automatic posting, write your post in the address bar,

If I'm not sure how to do it, then I will get a screenshot and the broker will post it on the broker's forum.

If you have an interest in doing the post automatically, write.


there's no in-house ones,

user32.dll, the best option, the post to go microblogging is done automatically.

If there is interest in doing the post automatically write.

interest in doing the screenshot automatically by standard service methods

I don't know what user32 is but the dll extension is already stressful
I'm interested in automatic screenshotting by standard methods of the service.

I don't know what user32 is, but the dll extension is already stressful.

You can only upload to a local folder with normal methods. )

well also post and get and queries


There are no standard ones (mql4-mql5),

user32.dll, the best option, post to my microblog is done automatically.

If you're interested in automatic post, feel free to contact me.

The standard ones are - look at the function WebRequest.

With its help you can do anything by HTTP/HTTPS protocols.


There are in-house ones - check out the WebRequest function.

You can use it to do anything over HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

I could be wrong, but this function doesn't fill in some fields of request header, namely content type.