Experiments with MetaTrader 5 at Discovery - page 37

I opened an account at Otkritie. Happy with everything so far. Glad I got rid of forex. First time I've tried Quick. MT5 is much more convenient. It would be good if MT5 would have stocks, not only futures. I have no doubts about the effect of these trades. Come to myAlpari to ask for a stock in MT5. I wonder if it is technically feasible? Is there any modules to connect the shares on the server? Do I need the stock certificate? Is it available?
The MOEX stock section for equities will be introduced soon, followed by options.
Thank you for your reply. There's no need to ask for anything anymore. Otkritie said the work is underway. They promised to connect it this year.
The MOEX stock section for equities will be introduced soon, followed by options.

This is going to be cool.

Will it be direct access in T+2 format or a variation on the derivatives theme?

Yes, direct access.
MOEX stock section for equities coming soon, then options.

judging by the announcement with the ribbon, our great-grandchildren will not have time to see the innovations (we are waiting for the promised 930 build and it's already build 1085)

Renat2014.04.16 20:02

Ribbon of deals for sure will be in the near future builds.

Of course, only for those instruments and exchanges/providers which directly support the streaming of this data.

I've even had an order thwarted on this topic because of these promises).

Can you please tell me how I can connect my demo account at Otkritie broker to the MT5 mobile terminal on my Android?

They sent me the username and password by email, but which server should I choose in the mobile terminal ?


Can you please tell me how I can connect my demo account at Otkritie broker to the MT5 mobile terminal on my Android?

They sent me a login and password by e-mail, but what server should I choose in the mobile terminal ?

I assume:

that in a line to find the broker start to enter open and further mt5 at the same should find and offer a server to choose


I assume:

you start typing open in the find a broker line and then mt5 should find and offer you a choice of servers

Thanks - got the connection sorted out !!! I got the second problem:

I still do not understand why the mobile version has only demo servers, and no real ones...

By the way, neither in mobile nor in PC version of MT5 broker "Discovery" I have no connection to the exchange ... old quotes are hanging ... but rltime nothing happens ... WHY ?