Service Work: Towards re-shaping the Top Developers towards professionalism - page 9


I can do it in 30 seconds, depending on the complexity, of course.

When the first order was placed for all the order was offered to do and cheaper. Then the price of the order looks very strange, 100$ each for all 3 of them.

Orders judging by the description of the elementary and not worth $ 100. Job description looks like... I would write the same, but not a customer far from programming and the wilds of the terminal (IMHO).

Since you have seen the application, there is the customer's profile there too. You can ask him questions. He will answer why and for what he paid, and why he was so happy to give you feedback.

The cost is determined by mutual agreement. It may surprise you, but there are a lot of people who are willing to pay $100 or more for a FAST and QUALITY written EA. There are just a lot more of them abroad.

Any other suspicions?


Andrei, don't be so angry.


Try doing the work yourself. You'll be surprised at the result :).

you don't have to take it literally. you're not a little kid now :)

You should get a second or third nickname and make orders for the right one with your left hand.

And most importantly, why rating for the sake of rating?

It's a matter of principle. And who says that customers don't look at the rating? the same.


Andrei, don't be so angry.

You don't have to take it literally.)

I don't think it's that hard to understand what's needed.

It's a matter of principled opportunity. Who says customers don't look at raiting? the same thing.

I'm not angry. I was just about the case with the second nickname, the third, etc.. Try it :) and you'll be surprised. Theoretically, of course, it is possible. But the ip is very clear cut. I once connected to a client via Teamviewer to help me with drawing up a job and I got a lot of questions from tech support the next day. I had to justify that the customer himself asked for help. Which was true.
Theoretically, of course, it is possible. But the ip's split very clearly.

not theoretically, but practically.

There's a guy on the forum who has 20(!) unique ip's. We still can't guess which one will be 21.)

and the system can't see anything.

So everything is possible.

And the fact that the rate simply === the number of works, I also think it's wrong. But I can't offer anything instead. As coefficients raiting based on articles/codebase/works/themes is not clear. it is possible to cheat everywhere except articles of course :)


In fact, the importance of the ranking is vastly overestimated. I started half a year ago with a rating of 0. Now I'm in 3rd place. My work from this (from the rating) did not become more. Even think the opposite :).

But the statistics on the developers can be expanded. I suggested, for example, making information on the number of arbitration jobs available. In my opinion, this is a very "telling" indicator.

And I posted in this thread for one simple reason. I don't like it when people ask their questions and express their doubts and suspicions to customers and not to whom they should be asked and expressed.

In this case, I'm talking about the developer number 2 in the top, who, instead of asking me how to get 200 jobs for $100 each half year, tells my customers that it looks "very suspicious" and they should be more careful with me. I know it's hard to contain envy, but there have to be boundaries.

Abolk, what do you think?


And the fact that the rate simply === the number of works is also wrong, but I can't suggest anything instead. Since it's not clear how to do a rate based on articles/codebase/works/themes. everywhere you can cheat except for articles, of course:)

Rating in the Jobs service should reflect: professional capabilities and the ability to fulfill orders on mkl4/5. These "capabilities and ability" is now characterized only by the "number of jobs completed".

But a job is not the same as a job. The complexity and quality of the work is not characterised by the price, nor is it characterised by the deadline. The essence of the work is hidden from the public and it is impossible to check that a developer corresponds to the rating.

Rating must be as objective as possible, it must be possible to check it and make sure of it.

At the moment there is only one objective indicator on the resource - articles. The article has content, there are developed advisors/indicators for the article. The article is vetted and the article is not easy to publish.

Therefore an article can and should influence the ranking. Another reason why an article should influence the ranking: the article is paid for. If the payment is done through Jobs we will increase the rating. But most of our articles are not paid through the Jobs service.

Also, since the article is publicly available and the qualifications of the author of the article is not subject to doubt, the article should have a higher status than a simple executed work (you can consider it a coefficient).


abolk: На данный момент на ресурсе есть только один объективный индикатор - это статьи.

the initiative that has been propagated throughout the whole topic, is apparently relevant

If the article is indeed an objective indicator, it remains to clarify the involvement of the author of the article in programming, as well as the contribution of the material in the development (popularization) of MTS and mql5 in particular, let's introduce "likes" and like traditionally get a "Like for like....

HH: I propose to support theabolk initiativeby publishing the second and possibly the third part of the article"Indicators and Trading Systems by William Blau in MQL5. Part 1: Indicators" )))))))))))


In this case I'm talking about the #2 developer in the TOP who, instead of asking me how to do 200 jobs at $100 each in half a year, tells my customers that it looks "very suspicious" and they should be more careful with me. I know it's hard to contain envy, but there have to be boundaries.

Abolk, what do you think?

That abolk:

-- envious, can't catch up with Techno, he's breathing down his neck (see page 1 and 2 of this thread);

-- is secretly talking to customers of his "competitors" and warning them to be cautious or something else;

a lot has been said, retold and rehashed. It's a parable and I don't pay any attention to it for a number of reasons:

-- in the Jobs service I don't catch up with anyone - I don't have such a goal;

-- I have no competitors in the Jobs service, as I am not competing with anyone else and am not fighting for positions in the rankings;

-- With my own and other people's customers I just like anyone else talking on various topics. Including about other developers. For example, when they leave from other developers and come to me - of course it is necessary to find out the reason for leaving, at least in order not to "get in trouble". If you put such conversations in your own words and in context you get a gloomy picture.

To clarify relations with your "competitors" publicly, as you did in your post, is precisely "black PR".

If you do not like it or have doubts about the provisions of my answer, please, do not hesitate to spit, slander, gossip about abolk, his moral character and professional abilities, a branch created by me, it is publicly available.


To take it out on your "competitors" in public, as you did in your post, is exactly what "black PR" is all about.

So you think it's better to talk dirty behind your back? Why do not you ask me your questions? Why did you ask my client with your suspicions?

Is this white PR for you?


-- I have no competitors in the Jobs service, as I am not competing with anyone and am not fighting for a place in the rankings;

Then tell me, why do you denigrate other service developers when talking to clients?