Annals of the forum - page 13


"Sucked out of thin air" :)

It's slang of local coders when they don't have arguments in a discussion (when they "treat" non-programmers - that is - their potential customers - on whom they make money here).
I've been "treated" with that phrase too.

I've never heard that expression before ... it must be something from the feni.


Just kidding (but true) - no offense.

I'd like to start a thread on how to have a proper discussion ... But I'm sorry, I'm not an expert here either :) (I have different jargon).


1. продать могут какую то как раз таки не основную а второстепенную  состовляющую какой то граальной стратегии. если это действительно ГРААЛЬ то его ядро, сердце стратегии продавать никто не будет.

2. "
Во вторых грааль это стратегия состоящая из множества (ПОЛЕЗНЫХ И НУЖНЫХ) индикаторов а не роботов.."  тут простите совсем не понятно. откуда такое разделение? робот-это всего лишь автомат а торговать он может на этих же самых "полезных" и "нужных" индикаторах и написан он может быть тоже на основе опыта трейдера..

3. I wouldn't be so categorical about the market either... I wouldn't make such a categorical statement about the market either. 60% a year is quite a lot and it's not a question of can or can't, some strategies can make hundreds a month, it's a question of stability.

The author of the post

There are a lot of trolls out there.... In fact all systems are profitable... but if many want to make 1000% of the deposit in a day ... that's just nonsense... unless you are clairvoyant and see every candle...

Trading Chaos is a very useful thing for those who want to make stable and profitable money... +



Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

AccountMargin() is not working correctly in MT4

MT6, 2014.08.13 13:19

I'm writing a book about Science in Forex and there will be a chapter on "Critique ofMQL errors and problems that are uncorrectable! "

( not by reason-not by explanation)

thisAccountMargin() will definitely go there

I'll send it to you later or give you the link to the publisher


"sucked out of thin air" :)


It's not a fenya, it's an argot. There's a "dictionary of Russian argo" in it. It's a pretty common expression.
You've lost your sense of humour this minute, second (I'm not serious :)
You've really lost your sense of humour this minute, second (I'm not serious :)

It's the opposite of good!

The annals aren't just about silly things, they're also about good jokes )