Metatester Agent on Windows Server 2008R2 - page 8

LABEL command was cancelled ?

Well firstly, I give a link to another resource and so the user knows where he was sent, not just "Download here" - it does not look nice.

And secondly, the link is not long, and perfectly readable without a label. :) All this is imho.

... Or does the Disk Serial Number changer do something else besides changing the volume serial number itself?
The problem is that with the installation of Disk Serial Number Changer from this link, the installer has a bar and a registry cleaner, which I immediately took down because it's not needed.

Here seems to be a programme with the same functionality and is cleaner


Here seems to be a program with the same functionality and cheat

Maybe I just didn't bother and downloaded the first one I saw and tested it. I have test VMs, I am not risking anything (axis crash).

My goal (change volume serial number) is solved. And to make it work for you, I decided to give you a link to something I downloaded and tested myself.


Well firstly I give a link to another resource and that the user knows where he was sent, not just "Download here" - it does not look nice.

And secondly, the link is not long, and perfectly readable without a label. :) All this is imho.

I meant the LABEL command at the command line (CMD)...

PS. - My bad : it SHOWS the serial number but CHANGES (if needed) the volume name

You're talking about LABEL at the command line (CMD)...

Ah, I was thinking about the link design :)

The LABEL command changes the label, i.e. the name of the disk, you can write "System Disk" there. But it can't change volume serial number.


The thesis:"ONE PHYSICAL Kernel == ONE AGENT". Fulfil this condition and there will be no problems, and leave the clones for people working in MSOffice programs.

Either you are wrong or the agent manager is wrong.


Либо Вы ошибаетесь, либо ошибка в менеджере агентов.


My i3, with '4 cores, and i7 with '8 cores'. Always worked fine.

I.e. really mean logical cores.


Either you are wrong or there is an error in the agent manager.


My i3, with "4 cores, and i7 with "8 cores". Always worked fine.

I.e. really mean the logical cores.

Renat seems to have written repeatedly that this is true when not referring to the cloud.


I.e. you need to find a way to change the ID.

Maybe the developers themselves can help...

The ID is not written anywhere, it is built from the hardware and software environment.

It cannot be changed.