Suggestions, comments, errors on the Signals service - page 40


The only sensible idea is that there is no mechanism for transferring a freeloader to the paid segment - apart from the subscriber's own conscious desire to spend part of the profit to pay.

If there was a system - free subscription of one account to one freeeshare signal for example during 1 month - then this scheme would be realistic.

You can't stop someone from paying for a free signal after a few months of free stuff, and if the signal is good, people will stay and pay.

You were told in the beginning, but you keep banging your head against the wall.

The signal is free, you show that you know how to trade, you start getting subscribers, and boom, the freebie's over and you start paying.


Guys, quit smoking that stuff... it's really messing with your head

Nuh-uh-uh... you're not just a nihilist. You're also an impenetrable misunderstanding of figurative language. All you've been given is what you can understand. Anything else to you is stupid and idiotic.

Hello, where are you? I wasn't talking to you about signals, but about the policy of a commercial resource that develops plus and by attracting all strata of those interested in the market, and does not disdain those who can and want to get something for free. Have you ever heard of resource traffic and its impact on rankings?

I give up trying to explain anything to you from what I said earlier. I have a different point of view, completely incomprehensible to you, so it's in the realm of idiocy for you.

I wash my hands of it.


The signal is free and if the signal is worthwhile, the subscribers will stay and pay.

You were told in the beginning, but you keep banging your head against the wall.

If the signal is free, you show your skills as a trader, people start signing up, and boom, the freebie's over, start paying.

and the freeloaders move on to the next free signal.

The only thing I can not understand - why feed that army of freeloaders? for the masses? so this mass is only fixed in the attendance counters - nowhere else you can not see that there are people here. on the forum, you write a dozen stubborn graphomaniacs.


and the freeloaders move on to the next free signal.

the only thing I can not understand, why feed the army of freeloaders? for the masses? so this mass is only recorded in the attendance counters, you can not see anywhere else that there are people here. a dozen stubborn graphomaniacs write on the forum.

All of the free signals, when they acquire subscribers (and subscribers try it out at that time) go to the paid service, and if someone runs to subscribe to another free signal, there are very few of them, because it costs time to understand whether they need it or not, and there are no fools who jump from one signal to another to open a live account, use your logical thinking! You'll see at once - hopping here and there will not earn money, but only sell it. (But it is impossible to make money by jumping from one place to another. )

PS. And you can not understand (or do not want to) - for one simple, banal reason, you think you're smarter than others!


and freeloaders move on to the next free signal.

one beaten, two unbeaten (c)

You may use this logic and if the freeloader is a fool, he will run, but if he is not, he will pay with what he got from the freeload and subscribe to a tested signal instead of signing up for a free one that is not tested and will incur losses.

ZS: you have the logic of a shabby freeloader)


All of the free signals change into paid ones when they get subscribers (subscribers try it out at that time) and if someone runs to subscribe to another free signal, there are very few of them because time is money and it takes to understand whether you need it or not, and there are no fools who jump from one signal to another and switch to a live account. You'll see right away - hopping here and there will not earn money, but only sell it. (But it is impossible to make money by jumping from one place to another. )

PS. And you can not understand (or do not want to) - for one simple, banal reason, you think you're smarter than others!

Do not think you are smarter than others first of all.

Imagine the statistics of % transition of free subscribers of one signal to the paid category?

I can judge by the messages in one thread with a scandalous signal, where there were 8000 freeloaders, and when the signal was made paid, there were 1000 or 2000 subscribers. (I don't remember exactly, and I'm too lazy to look).

That's a fact. And your speculation is speculation.

and also give statistics for free subscription conversions from one free service to another.

and yes - accept the simple truth - i am smarter than you. whether i think i am smarter or not is irrelevant. what matters is the fact - i am smarter.


And yes, accept the simple truth - I'm smarter than you. Whether I think I'm smarter or not doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm smarter.

:)Yeah, the facts are shitty! I don't think so - others have not subscribed - because the signal has fallen into serious drawdowns in two days (after he cut everyone off), but people who have been subscribed for a long time have signed up and managed to earn money ! What is there not to understand?


They cannot explain anything to him. If he does not understand something, it means it is bad, despite the fact that the administration has been in the business for many years and sees more profit than loss in such a scheme. If they were losing out on it, they would definitely change the scheme.


And yes, accept the simple truth that I am smarter than you. Whether I think I am smarter or not is irrelevant. what matters is the fact that I am smarter.


Who are the judges? One is a demostrator with 150 demostrategies, the other is a hedgehog-obsessed theorist.

I'm definitely smarter.