GLUCK?! Mouse click event handling!!! - page 10


there is a stoploss line - I move the panel and accidentally grab the line, the line moves with the panel - release the mouse - and I am prompted to modify.......

There are two options here - to bother and look for a solution, and you can't count on a simple one. The second one - don't care.

I would choose the second: if this does happen - the order won't move automatically, it will be just a modification offer , which can be easily rejected.

In the properties, you have to dig around and disable the drag lines, I think. There is no other way to do it.

senx, we'll look into it.

I've done this with a button press as in windows:

what was my implementation of the tugboat, is clicking and releasing the mouse button activates Drag mode, and accordingly a second click ends Drag mode:


There are two options here - to bother and look for a solution, and you obviously can't count on a simple one. The second one - don't care.

I would choose the second one: if it actually happens - the order will not be moved automatically, it will be just a suggestion of modification that can be easily rejected.

I like non-standard solutions, as with the rest of the functions I have managed to do without resorting to library inludes.

Therefore I choose variant number 1.

Although, to be honest, my first variant of towing was more pleasing to me. no chart bouncing, grabbing stop lines and so on.


Although to be honest, my first option of towing was more enjoyable for me. no chart jerking, grabbing stop lines and so on.

It's not enough to like out-of-the-box solutions, you have to have the courage to stand up for them.

With your fear of ridicule you will have to tow "like everyone else". because no one else does it the way you do..... ;-)

Hee-hee. Boo-ha-ha-ha. Oh-ho-ho-ho...


You have to have the courage to stand up for them. With your fear of ridicule, you do have to tow "like everyone else". Because no one else does it the way you do it.


It's not fear of ridicule, it's not understanding the reason for the ridicule.

If I ask a question that does not concern some standard at all, the clowning begins. Everyone tries to show that he is smarter, and write "What are you stupid, just take it and use AS ALL".


It's not a fear of ridicule, but rather a lack of understanding of the reason for the ridicule.

If I ask a question that does not relate to any standard at all, the clowning begins. Everyone tries to show that he is smarter, and write "What are you stupid, just take it and use AS ALL".

Well, then piss off and proudly flee the forum like all the cowardly daredevils "who don't understand the reasons for ridicule." Everyone does it... :-)
Well then piss off and proudly flee the forum like all the cowardly daredevils "who don't understand the reasons for ridicule". everyone does it ... :-)

Is this the direction of the forum? To show that you're cool?

Is that why only 5-10 people hang out here for years, earning a rating for themselves? A newcomer came - he got shit on - he left. What's the point?

Is this the direction of the forum? To show that you're cool?
It's a hint that when you want to find out what you don't know, it's better to hide your coolness and not show it. It helps a lot.
It's a hint that when you want to find out what you don't know, it's better to hide your coolness and not show it off. That helps a lot.
Did I show you my coolness?
Well then piss off and proudly flee the forum like all the cowardly daredevils "who don't understand the reason for the ridicule" Everyone does it... :-)
The rudeness begins, :-) That's basically what I expected. It's nothing new.