GLUCK?! Mouse click event handling!!! - page 3

FAQ, would this programme be useful to you?
Thanks, I'll have a look at it. I've added it to my bookmarks. I actually wrote the window scanner myself, but it's always interesting to look at someone else's implementation. Thank you.
FAQ, maybe you can use this program?

What's this?

URL blocked by SpIDer Gate

Thanks, I'll have a look. I've added it to my bookmarks. I actually wrote the window scanner myself, but it's always interesting to look at someone else's implementation. Thank you.
And the scanner is written, and even wrote an auto-click button to confirm an EA's order. :-)

What's this?

URL blocked by SpIDer Gate

I have nothing blocked... Strange...
I don't block anything...

Probably because there is no antivirus? :-) mine blocks everything that is dangerous, although sometimes it blocks even things that are not dangerous, but very rarely.


Probably because there is no antivirus? :-) mine blocks everything that is dangerous, although sometimes it blocks even things that are not dangerous, but very rarely.

Shit, there was a bookmarked page where you could download a file and it was checked by several antiviruses... I can't find it.

I've been using this software for a long time, since 2007. Maybe they've spiked the distribution on the site over that time. :)

UPD: I found it, . I'll check it out.

Checked with DrWeb's online scanner - all fine.


Checked with, (DrWeb, Kaspersky and many others) - all clean(link)

Antivirus scan for b3ea7674a4892930f95b2db95a7960c5 at 2012-09-10 19:17:36 UTC - VirusTotal
UPX compressed Win32 Executable (41.1%) Win32 EXE Yoda's Crypter (35.7%) Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) (8.8%) Win32 Executable (generic) (6.0%) Win16/32 Executable Delphi generic (2.7%) VirusTotal metadata smona131111435696907993296 smona132015787349937743194 b3ea7674a4892930f95b2db95a7960c5...
The file may be fine, the legal file itself is blocked, Spyder has blocked it.
Still no one can tell me how to solve the problem I described on the first page? except to write mesagboxes to confirm the order?