GLUCK?! Mouse click event handling!!! - page 9


I take it no one has solved this problem?

I was able to put the graph back in place when dragging the panel, but there is some flickering of the graph. used ChartNavigate

Документация по MQL5: Операции с графиками / ChartNavigate
Документация по MQL5: Операции с графиками / ChartNavigate
Операции с графиками / ChartNavigate - Документация по MQL5
Does the chart, in doing so, slip out of place?)
Is the chart not sliding out of place, is that a trick question?

In general, my conclusion is that it's not interesting to ask or discuss anything here - everyone pretends to be smart, all-knowing, just mockery and kicking. You have to wait a very long time for specifics.


But the problem with moving the chart along with the panel remains... both in the standard library and in my code.

And it won't be solved. There's a fundamental hitch - the terminal unconditionally handles the towing without taking into account the idiotic client code. You can't capture the event before the terminal and process it without giving control to the chart towing system. For the same reason we will hardly ever see MOUSEWHEEL event. (why MOUSEDOWN is not implemented I don't know).

In short - I like your variant of towing, I'll take it as an example, it is really convenient and does not move the chart.

// Only you should not bind your mouse to the angle. Find anchor point through coordinates of initial click. It is not difficult, you will manage.

DND even on a 4K is easy )
It doesn't slip out of place, is that a trick question?

Naturally. ;)

But it's a question for Jurich, not for you. You don't slip, that's the advantage of your implementation.


And she won't.

It can be solved, but it won't be very convenient. Unlike 4, 5 has a limited object capture area.

It won't. There's a fundamental hitch - the terminal certainly handles the towing event without regard to the idiotic client code. There is no way to intercept the event before the terminal and process it without giving control to the chart towing system. For the same reason we will hardly ever see the MOUSEWHEEL event. (why MOUSEDOWN is not implemented I don't know).

In short - I like your variant of towing, I'll take it as a weapon, it is really convenient and does not move the schedule.

// Only the corner should not be anchored to the mouse of course. Catch the anchor point through the coordinates of the original click. This is not difficult, you will manage.

No no, I have long ago passed this to the corner, reworked to be tied to the point of pressing

Thanks for the feedback, I have saved the version with this towing implementation separately.

And about moving the graph - of course with the DRIVE the panel moves, but still...

now the problem is different:

there is a stoploss line, - I move the panel and accidentally grab that line, the line moves with the panel - I release the mouse - and I am prompted to modify.......


In general, my conclusion is that it's not interesting to ask or discuss anything here - everyone pretends to be smart, all-knowing, just mockery and kicking. You have to wait a very long time for specifics.

To be afraid of getting kicked is not to play football.



there is a stoploss line - I move the panel and accidentally grab the line, the line moves with the panel - release the mouse - and I am prompted to modify.......

In the properties have to dig and turn off the dragging lines like. There is no other way.